Switch-shot Painting

by pyromaniac123456789 in Outside > Launchers

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Switch-shot Painting

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In this instructable I will be showing you how to paint your switch-shot nerf gun. I am painting this to look like river songs handgun from doctor who.


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You have to open the actually launching part. Then remove the spring, plunger and other stuff that was shown in the picture above.


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Put it back together without the plunger spring or white plastic thing. Now sand it down with light sand paper.

Wax and Grease

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Wipe it down with some wax and grease remover.


I'm painting mine white, but you can choose any colour.

The Rest

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Them just sand and paint the trigger the bullet holder the flip down front and the button thing.


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Just put it back together then your done!

Ps: sorry about picture quality. I took them on my iPod.