Sweet Pumpkin Seeds

Get Rid of the Pumpkin From the Seeds
Put the seeds into a big bowl of water and let water run over it to rinse and separate the seeds from the rest. The seeds will float on the water.
Dry the Seeds

If you have seeds from a pumpkin you used for cooking you have to dry the seeds first. If you use already dried pumpkin seeds you can skip to the next step.
You can put them into a pan and roast them.
Turn on the oven. To 180 degrees.
Sugar and Cinnamon

Put the seeds into a bowl and pour 1/4 cup sugar and 1 tbs of cinnamon into it and mix it well.
Now add 1 cup of sugar and 2 tbs of cinnamon and a cup of water into a pan and let it cook for 2 min. Stir it well.
If you have some of the sugar-cinnamon left you can use it for apple-cinnamon pieĀ“s. You find the recipe in my list of Instructables. Apple-Cinnamon Pie.
Now stir the pumpkin seeds into the sugar-cinnamon mix.
Baking Tray

Now spread the seeds on a baking tray. And bake them for 10-15 min.
Let them cool
There you go - sweet pumpkin seeds!