Sweet and Fluffy Corn Muffin Crack

by Makerneer in Cooking > Cake

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Sweet and Fluffy Corn Muffin Crack


Hello there. How's things? Good, good. All is going well here too, thanks for asking.

OK, small talk out of the way lets get to it! Today for Instructables Out of The Box Challenge we're making corn muffins. But not just annnnyyy corn muffins from a box, we're making sweet and fluffy corn muffins!

What's that? You want to hear the backstory?!!? Okaaayy.... we'll save that for a later step, for now TLDR - This was a quarantine cooking experiment that turned out tasty!

Tools and Materials


1 Box Corn Muffin Mix.

1/3 Cup French Vanilla Coffee Creamer.

1/4 Cup Light Lager Beer, the cheap stuff is fine. Yes it needs to be light and have lots of carbonation.

  • I think substituting carbonated water or seltzer should also work.

Measuring Cup.

Bowl and stirring device.

Muffin Tin or 3-4 Small Mason Jars.

Butter, or whatever you want to grease the muffin containers with.

Four legged helper (optional)...

Backup stirring/scraping device.

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I Like to Muffin, Muffin!


OK, first you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you... Wait. No. That's not right...

Get your bowl, ok, yep, that sounds more righter-er.

Try to rip top off box, then find easy open tear here spot.

Put contents of box in bowl.

Add 1/3 cup of french vanilla coffee creamer to the mix.

Next add 1/4 cup of beer to the mix.

Stir it all together, don't worry too much about getting all the lumps out (you never will...) . Just mix it until it's smooth-ish or for 3 minutes. Whichever comes first.

Let it sit about 3 more minutes after you're done mixing.

While waiting grease the container you're going to put the mixture in.

I no longer have a kitchen safe muffin pan... #makerlife... so I've found one box makes enough mix for 3-4 small mason jars.

*Drop the whisk on the floor while filling the first jar so the dog knows you still lover her.

Find another bowl scraper and fill the rest of the jars.

*Forget to preheat the oven, turn it on now and set it to 400*F

Cook 15ish minutes until they're golden brown.

*Finish your beer or seltzer while the corn muffin crack cooks.

*Realize you overfilled the jars a little, but hey they look great!

(* denotes optional steps... 😁)

Taste Test (and Try Not to Eat Them All...)


Ok, I know what you're thinking, why did you ruin perfectly good corn muffins?!

Whelp, I don't remember when ago we were making chili and what goes great with chili? That's right, corn muffins. But we didn't have any eggs... And we were out of milk... And a trip to the store was not an option... But I was determined!

So, coffee creamer is like sweet milk right? Right, check.

The good ol' internets told me carbonated water was a substitute for eggs. Hmm, cheap beer is "watered" down?!?!?! Maybe?... lets find out, send it!

And guess what, I got lucky. I didn't ruin the corn muffins, I made them better-er-er!

Hang on, beer is empty, that means it's about time to check the muffins! Almost done, lets put them back in and turn the oven off, we'll check back in a few min.

Annnnnndddddd, go! OMG, soooo fluffy, a hint of sweet, so good!

Yeah, OK those are just like I remember. The first time I made these the muffins were gone before we even got to the chili (hence why they got named corn muffin crack)! Something about a little vanilla in the mix and how the beer makes them ultra fluffy, yeah they're corn muffin crack!

Alright, enough talk, that's it! If you liked this one please bake me a vote in the Out of the Box Challenge and go make yourself a batch!!!


If you'd like to see what I'm up to when I'm not Instructable-ing you can also find me at these places:

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