Sweet Marshmallow Snowflakes

A sweet and simple food craft that really dresses up winter drinks! Also fun for kids.

Regular and small marshmallows
Coarse sugar (colored or clear -- your choice)
Toothpicks, standard or long
Gather and Layout Design
Gather your marshmallows and lay out your desired design. Depending on the design, you will need to gather different numbers of each item.
Cut and Dip Marshmallow

Cut larger marshmallow in half (or thirds). It's easier to cut in one motion, rather than "sawing" the marshmallow. This exposes the gooey inside. While still tacky, dip into coarse sugar. This adds texture and a little sparkle to your snowflake. Note: Colored sugar is a sweet choice, too!
Skewer Center Marshmallow

Using toothpicks, pierce the center (larger) marshmallow. Then, add smaller marshmallows to the toothpick ends. Arrange as desired. Some designs used toothpicks drawn all the way through the center marshmallow, others just stuck in part way.
Cut Center Notch

In order to make center marshmallow sit securely on the edge of a mug, cut out a small notch with scissors.
Adorn Hot Beverage, and Enjoy

You can perch the snowflake on the edge of a cup, or dunk right in. Or wrap individually and give as gifts with hot chocolate mix. These are super tasty in hot chocolate (obvi), and also yummy in hot cocktails, or just as a fun winter candy treat!