Survival Tin Can Saw





Alternative Usage:

Peeler. You can peel almost anything with the thin ridge of the original opening. Potatoes, ginger, zucchini, asparagus and kiwifruits. Yes, as a survivalist you should consider eating every fruit with its peel, but its also good to be vigilant and cautious. And the disc we had cut out can be used to cut the potatoes.

Wind chime. If you kept the inside of the bottom and have some cord, you can create a wind chime for orientation to find your camp. It should also keep bears away, but I can not speak from experience. If you have a long cord you could also make an alarm device with a trip wire.

Tinder. Scratch off some chips from the wood for a good campfire starter. After that you can straightaway use the tin can as a chimney starter or even stove.

Grater. Abrade some cheese you just found in a stash. Or julienne your vegetables in a nostalgic way.

Container. If you have a suitable lid for the can then do not turn it into a tool. It is more valuable as a repository.
Good luck!