Super Easy Bath Bombs
This is the most basic bath bomb recipe. Feel free to get creative and add glitter, perfume, and color!
Assemble Ingredients and Equipment
1 c baking soda
1/2 c salt
1/2 c corn starch
1/2 c citric acid
food coloring
Mixing bowl
measuring cups
round molds
Assemble Dry Ingredients
Add citric acid, baking soda, salt, and cornstarch to mixing bowl and stir.
Assemble Wet Ingredients
Add Food Coloring
Adding Water
Add water very slowly, one drop at a time while stirring quickly. A little fizzing is norma. Add water until wet sand texture is achieved.
Mix With Hands
Can you form a ball with your hands? Then, it's ready for the molds!
Fill Molds
Pack ingredients tightly into mold and snap shut!
Allow to Dry
The bath bombs can be used immediately, but for a nice firm bomb, wait 24 hours before removing from mold.