
Outside Piece

Use 1/4 inch plywood, 22 inches from tip to tip. The square in the center is 5 inches by 5 inches.
Medium Piece

This piece, 1/4 inch plywood, 18 inches tip to tip, is the actual rotating piece.

Again use 1/4 inch plywood (14.5 inches tip to tip) with a couple of wood button eyes.
Lazy Susan

Attache a lazy susan to the back of the smiling face. note the 4 wood (1/4 inch plywood) spacers that keep the turning part slightly away from the face.

Place small machine screws through the holes.

Note the wood screw that fastens the spacer to the face.

This is the toughest piece. It is threaded stock into which I drilled a hole and tapped a set screw. Note that the screw is crooked (not intentional, just my lack of ability when working with steel).

This is a geared dc motor (low rpm) with a nice shaft. Whatever you can find that will turn the wood will work.

A bolt that fits into the threaded stock is tightly placed into the middle size (18 inch) piece.

This is a bit of a puzzle, but with patience you can slide the four machine screws from the lazy susan through 4 holes in the middle sized wood piece.

The four machine screws and the bolt are protruding.

Finger tighten the nuts on the machine screws. Since you can't get underneath with a screwdriver, hold the threaded part with small pliers while you tighten the nut.

Drill holes in the wall for the motor shaft and mounting screws (some wall where you can access the back side).
If married, wait until your spouse is out of the house or ask permission (depends on your relationship and how much you want to enhance it).
If married, wait until your spouse is out of the house or ask permission (depends on your relationship and how much you want to enhance it).

Here's the backside.

Attach the finely tooled adapter to the motor shaft.

Add velcro to the large (22 inch) piece--back side.

Stick the back piece to the wall Align an imaginary line between the tips with the motor shaft.

Thread the bolt into the motor adapter.

It should look like this. Note that the front two pieces are pretty much free to rotate willy nilly.

Poke a hole in some velcro and attach a piece of fishing line.

Attache the velcro/line piece to the top point on the "face star."

Insert a hook in the ceiling above the pointed star. Fasten the other end of the fishing line to this hook. This will keep the front piece from rotating.