Sugru Cat Toy

I made this cat toy out of Sugru at Swansea Hackspace's Sugru build night.
Get Some Strong Thread or a Long Piece of Wire

I didn't have any strong thread with me, so I untwisted a piece of wire inside an old network cable. Make make sure you thread/wire is more than 1m/3ft in length.
Open You Sugru

The more colours of Sugru you use, the more colourful the cat toy!
Roll in Strips and Place Next to Each Other

Take each pack of Sugru, roll it into a strip about as thick as a pencil, and place them next to each other.
Roll Into a Ball

Roll the Sugru into a colourful ball using the palms of your hands.
Bundle Up the One End of the Wire/thread..

Take your wire/thread and bundle up a bit at the end.
.. and Fold Into Ball.

Fold the bundled wire/thread into the ball.
Roll One Pack of Sugru Into Small Strips

Roll one pack of Sugru into five small strips about 2cm/0.5in long.
Push Onto Ball and You're Done!

Push the black strips onto the colourful ball and form them into spikes. Let the Sugru cure overnight and you have a new toy for your cat!
Louis Seems to Be Enjoying Her New Toy

According to the Sugru website, small amounts of ingested Sugru is not harmful. I doubt your cat will start chewing on it, but for safety I keep it out of our cat's reach when we're not actively playing with the toy.