🍥Styro-For Craft Nuts🍥
💚Luckily, they were ¢heap, that whole box load was a couple bucks! (But foam disks are just a drop in the bucket, possibilities are endless- not to mention easy and fun!) **Also, those thick, square/rectangle blocks of styrofoam -usually packed, securing electronics, come in VERY HANDY, as well -for MANY things**
⚫Packing Peanuts
⚫Foam disk(s) ~can be bought from craft & dollar stores (there's also styrofoam balls)
⚫Paint (spray, bottled, tube, watercolor, acrylic -any)
*spray paint obviously covers alot, quickly, easily, but you can miss some areas/nooks/cranies -so, hand-painting is more thorough; * however, you can use a brush to spread the spray paint while still wet
**spray paint, as you can see on my 'Sunflower', has a very interesting chemical reaction with the peanuts
⚫Miscellaneous / various beads, feathers, pins, trinkets..
⚫Miscellaneous / various Tools/supplies: toothpics, foam block/cup, skewers, Exacto knife, scissors, Glue / Hot glue, etc.
⚫⚫**THIS WILL BE YOUR DESIGN, YOUR IDEA; My examples are Poinsettia, Sunflower, Thanksgiving Turkey "Tom" **⚫⚫
2) Paint the disk (*or your styrofoam 'base'form) your desired color(s): Set aside, Let dry
3) Determine the number of peanuts you may need *some may need to be cut to size*; Paint peanuts and/or paint them as you go; 💠 I used (speared them with) Toothpicks & set them to dry
4) Gather (determine) your decorations / accessories
>💠 For the Poinsettia, Sunflower and Tom Turkey - see Step 2 >
🌺Poinsettia, 🌻Sunflower, 🦃 Tom Turkey...
🌺 Paint the foam disk and the peanuts; poke the 'nuts into a foam block to dry- or upside down foam cup
🌺 (Once dry) Glue on your P'nuts per (your) design
🌺 The center "Flower Buds, Stems" are hand-painted (wood) Beads, Ball-tip Straight Pens and tiny foam balls (available at craft/dollar stores)
🌺 some faux leaves were glued/tucked in / around the sides
🌺 a Hanging Ribbon was secured at the top with decorative Beads and Pins (you can determine top/bottom 1st)
🌻 a chemical reaction occurred -the paint ate the foam - I liked the effect, you may not (to me, it gave it an aged/dried flower look)
🌻 I filled the center circle (area) with glue, then tiny foam balls I painted brown
🌻 I decorated with faux leaves & optional "stem"
🌻** I made a pilot hole with the skewer before painting
(Thanksgiving Turkey):
🦃 I used different colored feathers
🦃 A Pilgrim Hat made from shiny black Tape
🦃 Tom's head was cut out of another disk (a 'sort of' peanut shape itself); his eyes are rondelle beads and black ball-tipped straight pins; under his chin the "wattle" was a packing nut
🎆Have Fun!
I hope you enjoy!