Hi I'm Cameron and in this instructable I show you how to make a digital stylus. What inspired this project was the simplest stylus I've ever seen. I wanted to make one that is nearly as easy to do. Here's a link to that stylus: Touchscreen Stylus: 3 Steps. I hope you enjoy.
Make the Tube
To make the tube you cut one of the flaps off a cereal box then you fold it in the middle. Unfold it. Now fold the left and right sides to the middle of the rectangle. Tape it together.
Create the Paper Towel Roll
Really all you need to do is cut out half the paper towel, then tightly roll it up and tape it.
Insert the Paper Towel
To insert the paper towel, you slide it in then glue it.
Cut Out the Foil
For cutting out the foil, you measure out the foil for the size of your frindle (pen), then glue it on. The front should look like this.
Add Water
Add a bit of water, now you're all done(-;! I hope you enjoyed this instructable.