Studio Ghibli Pencil Case!
Hello everyone!
I hope you like this No Face Pencil tutorial!
Spirited Away is one of my favorite Ghibli movies and I really like the character.If you've never seen it you need to watch it ASAP!!
Anyways lets begin!!
A zipper
Black fabric
white fabric(or white felt)
lilac felt
lilac thread
black fabric paint
a brush(mine was number1)
a pencil
a pen
Cutting the Fabric
Cut 4 pieces of black fabric--->23x14 cm
Cut the sew the end of the zipper secure if it's too long.
Sewing the Zipper
Put two pieces on top of eachother and place the zipper on top.Sew as shown.For the other side repeat the process.Put two pieces then place the other side of the zipper on top.Sew as shown.
Top Stitch
Top stitch the zipper on the sides as shown.
Cutting the Face
For the face I just found a picture of no face's face(hehe) and cut the paper.And for the fabric I cut adding the seam allowance.
Draw guidelines for the face using the pen.
(((NOTE-- I have to say it was a bit tricky to get the oval shape of the face right and if I'd known this I would've used felt instead of white fabric and just cut a oval shape.But I have to say if you choose to use felt it might be hard to apply the paint and get the eyes and the mouth correct.In this case black felt would work better.)))
Lilac Details
To make the details on the cheecks cut according to the face and place them on the paper to make sure they are in the right size.Then sew around them with the needle and thread.
Paint the eyes and the mouth with the fabric paint.Then iron the fabric according to your paint instructions.
Making the Face
Sew around as shown but don't forget to leave a space to turn it inside out.Then fold and sew the end close.Lastly iron it..
I have to say this is probably the hardest part of the pencil case and as I mentioned before using felt would make it easier.But if you are using white fabric I recommend you to practice before sewing the actual material.I made 2 test faces before sewing this one and it really helped.
Sewing the Face
Place it on top of the fabric and sew around.Fix it if there is any uneven edges.
Sewing Around
Unzip the zipper 3/4 of the way and connect rights sides together.Do the same for the lining so that the outer fabrics and the lining fabrics are right sides together.Sew around as shown and again don't forget to leave a space.When you are sewing both sides of the zipper should match. When you are done with the sewing cut the corners (be careful with the stitches.)
Last Step
Turn it inside out.Fold and sew the open edge close.Put the lining inside and done:)
and you are done!!
If you've made it this far THANK YOUU :)
I know this isn't the easiest pencil case tutorial put I tried to explain it as best as I could.Hope you find it helpful and if you have any questions please ask down below!
I don't want to promise but I'm planning on posting more Studio Ghibli projects so if you have any recommendations comment down below :)
Byeeee :*