
by FriedZombie in Cooking > Cookies

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Stroopwafels are a real Dutch threat, that are slowly conquering the world with their delicious taste.

Litteraly translated into english, they translate as "syrup waffles" and are made from stroop, this stroop is sometimes also sold as "sugar beet syrup".

Origanally the stroopwafels where invented in Dutch city called Gouda, also world famous for their cheese with the identical name.

Because of the gluten-free challenge I made a gluten-free stroopwafel instructable, but I also wanted to add the original as well. That is why I decided to make a seccond instructable about stroopwafels.



This recipe is for around 40 stroopwafels.

Kitchen equipment:

  • stroopwafel or an ice cream cone waffle maker (stroopwafel maker is prefered but are rather expensive)
  • mixing bowl
  • cooking pot
  • spatula (optional, a fork would work as well)
  • kitchen knife
  • kling film (household foil)
  • 9 CM diameter round cookie cutter

Waffle ingredients:

Filling ingredients:

Waffle Dough


Melt the butter until it is soft and heat the milk to a lukewarm temperature

Add the all-purpose flour, light brown sugar, cinnamon powder, butter, milk, the egg and the dried yeast to a mixing bowl.
Knead the ingredients untill they are fully incorporated. (aka mixed together).

Cover the top of the bowl with a piece of cling film, and let it proof on a warm spot for 45 minutes.

After the dough has proofed, knead the dough one final time.

Devide the dough in to little balls from about 3 to 4 cm in diameter.

Melting the Filling


Add the stroop (sugar beet syrup), light brown sugar, butter and the cinnamon powder.

Melt the ingredients down on a low heat, into a homogeneous without letting it bubble. Stir frequently as well, to not let the sugar burn.

Baking Splitting and Filling


Preheat the waffle iron to about 200 degrees Celsius. Sadly enough most waffle irons don't have a temperature setting, most commonly the setting that comes close to it is about 3/4 of the maximum temperature range.

Place a dough ball in the middle of the iron and press the waffle iron closed. The waffle should bake in about 60 secconds.

If the waffle is done baking take it out of the waffle iron, and place it on a flat surface and punch out the waffle with the cookie cutter. This step is needed, because it makes splicing the waffle easier.

Take the punched out waffle, and stick the kitchen knife into it and carefully split the waffle into two halfs. This can only be done, while the waffle is still hot.

Pick up one half of the waffle and spread the warm filling on top of it, in a fairly generous amount.

Stick the other half of the waffle on top of it.

Repeat this until you run out of dough balls.

Serve the stroopwafel with some coffee or tea and enjoy a nice Dutch threat.