Stop Motion Animation

by reedz in Circuits > Cameras

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Stop Motion Animation

Here is a simple guide on how to take pictures and turn them into a short video.

All the videos that I edit are on

Materials needed:

A Camera
A memory card or camera-to-computer cable
A computer
Windows Movie Maker

Find a Subject

First of all find something to take pictures of. If it is a friend make sure they know how to sit still for quite a while. If it is an object..don't worry, it has all the time in the world.

It is always a good idea to write up a script or a story board so your friend/object knows exactly how to move in each frame.

Take a Picture, Move, Take Another, and So On

The title pretty much describes the step, have your object/person pose for a frame, take a picture. Then have them move just a little bit, take another picutre. Continue this moving only a small bit for each picture until you have all of your video recorded.

Put the Pictures Together

Organize all of the pictures and put them into Windows Movie Maker.

Copy them to the timeline on the bottom of the application.

Press the magnifying glass several times to get a smaller span of time in a larger space.

Shorten the amount of time that each picture takes up.

Save and Enjoy

In Windows Movie Maker

Go to "File"
Drop down to "Save Movie File..."

Save it

Enjoy your new stop motion animation video.

Sit Back and Bask in the Glory of Your Camera Prowess