Stick-to-fridge Dead Drop!

by heamou8801 in Circuits > USB

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Stick-to-fridge Dead Drop!


in this project, i'm going to try to make a fridge magnet dead drop. what's a dead drop you ask? "dead drops" were tiny hidden files that may contain valuable, dangerous seacrets used by spies in the olden days. now, dead drops are mostly anonymous, offline usbs planted into public walls, ceilings, even large wishing locks strapped to a bridge. these usbs are open to the public who finds them for any means of anonymous file sharing, with over 1100 scattered over the world(except Antarctica)with dead drop hunters serching every corner for more dead drops. even you can plant them right now, too! it's not ilegal, right? the problem is, sometimes they get uploaded with deadly viruses. so don't try to plug your laptop on a stange usb port on a wall, ok? still. i think dead drops are really creative ways for communicate. so, like i said eariler, i'm going to try make a fridge magnet "dead drop".

(check out Dead Drops Database to find dead drop locations and more!)


you will need:

a 3D printer and thing files

a usb


glue gun


small signaling device(like a small light system)

Print Out the Files

화면 캡처 2021-11-19 001355.png

get a 3D printer and print this file out.


The Usb


time for the usb. get a normal sized usb(i used a sim cad reader and card) and tie it with some electric tape. leave some space so you can actually plug it into a laptop or something.

Magnet & Signaling Device


get a normal magnet strong enough to hold the usb, and glue it at the reverse side of the usb. to make sure people notice your dead drop, attach a small signaling device(like a tiny light system)and glue it to the usb.



it's done! it easily sticks to metal surfaces, so i think it would probably work as a dead drop if dosen't get stolen. i think a few mods would make it more hide-able, but that's up for a another project. see you next time!