Steps to Picking Up a Woman!

At a point in life, a man will most likely gain the courage and approach to successfully pick up a woman with no gamed lines. Not every woman wants to feel like that man is only trying to play games and she's serious. This also applies to women because men don't want to be the one putting in all the work trying to get their number.
Personal Hygiene

This is the first step to every approach. No person should ever be comfortable with themselves enough to have the audacity to approach anyone smelly. No one wants them a stinky significant other, unless they are short of one of their senses or out of their mind. Before getting into any situation were you have to approach anyone make sure your hygiene is up to par. The things that you should make sure you have taking care of are make sure you have token a; bath/shower, brushed your teeth, and put on some deodorant. This step is the most important step for picking p a girl.
Make Sure You Are Not Out of Her Leaugue and Shes Not Out of Yours.

Some may think on potential scale that there is no such thing as a person being out of someone's league, but there are still those who are picky on who they want. Out of a person league doesn't solely speak for one thing this could be for looks, social status, financial stability, and personality. When you are picking up this woman make sure that she fits right into your lifestyle, this particularly depends on the place that you approach her in. If she looks as if she's in the bar or club more than you are, and you are a hard working individual working on a college degree then she's way out of our league. If she looks as if she into a different lifestyle that you can not see yourself actually being interested in then she out of your league. The scale also weighs on both ends some things may be on her and some on you. If she's a thrill seeker and you know that you live by the 3 Cs which are cool, calm and collective then your personality nor activity base will connect.
Categorize Her.

Through a mans perspective there are three different types of women with an alternate use for each one. Categorizing the woman is a confidential step because you don't want her or you to start to get an misconception. That's why you always start with a label on what type of woman she is. This will lead you to know which way to approach her since you have now figured out what you want for her. The first type of woman is of course the friend zone girl, with her you are only looking for a companion that has some of the same characteristics as you. She's the one that rubs off on you and help you on lady advice. The second one that you notice is the woman that you could see yourself having fun with sexually, and non-sexually because that's only going to last for so long. Then you have the relationship type of girl that's going to take way more game and courage to get.
Make Sure She Notices You Before You Approach Her.

Before you approach her you should make sure you have noticed that she even knows you exist and that you potentially want to approach. The best way to get her to notice you is to switch your placing to a spot where your aren't to far away and she is not felling like you're invading her space. When doing this make sure you walk smile and eye contact with her is effortless, and not o staged.
Think of Some Things to Say Before You Approach Her.

By doing this step this would some what put you ahead of her, and she will notice that you are ready for the conversation you are about to start. This would make thoughts run through her head , like oh he has a lot of good points and didn't just jump into the situation without any thoughts on what he wants from me. Make sure you have thought of many things, even things you maybe aren't going to say, because these will be topics once you'll conversation has become less words and more awkward.
Know What Attracted You to Her.

Know what attracted you or made you think you would actually want to say something to her. When approached and the conversation sinks in this will become one of the topic questions, because she wants to actually know what made you say something to her of all people. You should never attract to parts sexually like the bottom or her chest size some women don't like men looking at their body parts.
Approach Her.

Never wave your hand from across an area telling her to come here, you should always go up to her unless she insists then you know you have a great start if she does.Your approach sequence is everything. when you are finally approaching her you should know if you guys have made enough eye contact and not too much to the point were she's freaked out. Also when you are walking over to her make sure that your pace isn't too speedy, or to calm you want it to be neutral. You don't want your pace to be to speedy because she would then think that you are easy and you want her too bad then she'll only play mind games with you. Also don't let your walking pace be to slow and because she would think you are trying to be to cool. Neutral is the best speed to walk in at all circumstance even if you'll position change.
Start the Conversation.

The one that is being approached should never have to be the one start the conversation because you are the one who seems to have the most interest right now. Don't come on to strong because conversation's that start off in that nature never really last as long as you need them to. The average conversation should never be no more than ten to fifth teen minutes because you want this to be successful as possible. Also because if you do actually get her number if you talked over fifth teen minutes you would take up topics to say while texting or on the phone.
Don't Be Thirsty

When I say the term don't be thirsty I am not referring to being dehydrated. I am only saying don't want her too much more than she would actually want you. I am saying this because of course you wanted her because you noticed and approached her before she had the chance to say something to you. When tend to look at thirst as a sense or bonus to be able to run you over in the relationship being built no matter if its only friendly. This will leave you in good standings because you want have to come on to strong.
Ask for Her Number.

Finally having a full length conversation with the last thing you should do is ask for her number. You never ask at the beginning of the conversation because you have a higher chance of being declined that way. You also wait because when you first walk up to her she may have none to little interest in you, because she doesn't know you. Your conversation may be what causes her o attract to you and actually want allow you to have her number.