Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Basic Window Using Tkinter and Ttkbootstrap Library in Python

by xanthium-enterprises in Circuits > Software

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Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Basic Window Using Tkinter and Ttkbootstrap Library in Python

Creating a Basic Window using Tkinter (ttkbootstrap) Library and Python for Absolute Beginner

In this Instructable, we will walk you through the process of creating a simple yet modern GUI window using Python’s Tkinter library and the ttkbootstrap extension. Tkinter is Python’s standard library for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs), while ttkbootstrap is an extension that enhances Tkinter by providing a more stylish, modern look for your apps.

Although Tkinter is functional, its default appearance can feel a bit outdated. ttkbootstrap is a library that enhances the look of your Tkinter applications by offering modern, flat-style themes inspired by Bootstrap. It’s a theme extension for Tkinter that gives your apps a sleek, contemporary design

Full ttkbootstrap tutorial can be found here along with Sourcecodes



Before you begin, ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can do that by going to Python Website

Additionally, you’ll need to install the ttkbootstrap library, which you can do via pip:

pip install ttkbootstrap

You can also use a IDE like thonny If you want to.

If you are using thonny ,You can also use the built in package manager present in the Thonny IDE to install the ttkbootstrap library.

You can check whether ttkbootstrap installed by using

import ttkbootstrap

Building Your First Window With Tkinter and Ttkbootstrap


Here, we'll guide you through the process of creating your very first interactive window using Python's Tkinter library, enhanced by the ttkbootstrap extension. Tkinter provides the foundation for building Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in Python, and ttkbootstrap modernizes this experience using themes. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a basic but fully functional window,

Please type the following code into the text editor or IDE like Thonny.

import ttkbootstrap
# Create a window using the ttkbootstrap library with a 'yeti' theme
root = ttkbootstrap.Window(themename = 'yeti')

# Set the title of the window
root.title('Hello World')

# Set the size of the window (300 pixels wide and 300 pixels high)
root.geometry('300x300') # width x height

# Start the Tkinter event loop to keep the window open and responsive

You can now run the code by pressing F5 on Thonny IDE or by using the Python interpretor.

Code Explanation of the Tkinter Window

The above code begins by importing the ttkbootstrap library, which provides themes for Tkinter-based applications.

It then creates a window using the ttkbootstrap.Window() function, specifying the "yeti" theme to give the window a sleek, modern look.

The root.title() function is used to set the window’s title to "Hello World," which will appear at the top of the window.

Next, the root.geometry() function defines the window’s dimensions, setting it to 300 pixels wide and 300 pixels high.

Finally, root.mainloop() starts the Tkinter event loop, which is necessary to keep the window open and responsive to user interactions until it is closed.

The root.mainloop() method begins an infinite loop that listens for events, such as user inputs (like clicks, typing, or window resizing), and continuously updates the window based on those events. It ensures that the window remains open, responsive, and interactive until the user closes it. Without this call, the window would open briefly and then close immediately because the program would finish executing without entering into the loop that handles user interactions