Steam Cleaner

by livenotorious in Living > Cleaning

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Steam Cleaner


This recipe is what I use to clean the carpets through out my house. With Dogs running in and out, the carpets get quite stained.

Step 1: Create the Solution


  • 4 cups White Vinegar
  • ¼ cup Borax
  • ¼ cup Baking Soda
  • 10 to 20 drops Essential Oils
    • Try a citrus in the living spaces, like Lemon, Wild Orange, or Grapefruit.
    • Try a oil like Lavender in the bedrooms.
  • Empty milk jug or soda bottle.
    • The bottle should allow for enough space to mix this up, remember your school volcanoes? The vinegar and baking soda need enough room to go nuts.

Mix and Clean

  1. Mix all the ingredients in the container. Stand back while you are mixing, the baking soda and vinegar may come out the top of the container. Mix well so that the borax dissolves.
  2. Pour mixture into your steam cleaner according to the directions.
  3. Vacuum the room first, this helps the steam cleaner.
  4. Watch the stains vanish!

The Results


Can you tell which side is cleaner?

The right side!

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