Starlight: Intro to Discovery Phase

by 25delafuente6640 in Craft > Art

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Starlight: Intro to Discovery Phase

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In the Discovery phase, we had to look beyond, and seek for a better picture of our discoveries. Restating the importance that two minds are better than one. In the discovery phase we observed a variety of lights, that had different shades, sizes, and shapes. We focused on the brightness of each light, for the better use. We also observed the benefits and weakness of the lights, for example, if they were disturbing, and how was this light affecting. We also observed the benefits, such as the proportion of light and the best colors. In our next class we took a test to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, my partner was an innovator, and I was a maker, we both collaborated using our strengths and improved our weaknesses. After that we both interviewed 5 people, within the ASFM campus. When we interviewed people we gathered information of what was their ideal light, and what type of lamps did they like the most. We also gathered information of what were the pros and cons of their lights, but most importantly we collected drivers (needs) and constraints (challenges needed to solve). After the interviews, all of our classroom got together, and we made a list of drivers and constraints. The drivers were to make a lamp that is simple not extravagant, creative, that has a control switch, that has different shades of brightness and that the light is bright. The constraints were that people want different colors, not to bright, wireless, and the price not expensive.

After collecting a good deal of information, we started sketching all of our ideas thinking of having a better quantity than the quality. We created over 30 sketches. Additionally, we went through each one of them, and realized the usability, positives and the negatives. Finally, we got the idea of our indoor light, as a mix of our sketches, and by the help of the interviews. The people from the interviews helped us with the structure, and by knowing what type of color light most people want, how much brightness do they prefer, and what sizes are preferable. We tried to make our indoor lamp as most needed by using the drivers and constraints. Our light is a hard acrylic box with fairy lights, it contains plastic sheets decorations that will stand out. Our Indoor lamp shows creativity and details, through the idea and decorations.


The materials we used were:

-Clear Glue

-Acrylic Plastic

-Decorating plastic sheets

-Fairy Lights

-Ruler for measurements

-Laser cutting machine


Finding Dimensions

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Our first step was to find the dimensions for each piece of acrylic, for forming the box. To do this we grabbed a ruler and measured a piece of paper. Then, we cut the dimensions, as our guide. We decided to make it 17 cm by 17 cm because it will turn out to be a cube, by doing this it will be easy to carry around, and it will have a good size that will give a good proportion of light. Lastly, the technology directors helped us for accurate measurements, and feedback. We planned this with a lot of time, for not making a mistake when forming the box.

Laser Cutting

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Once you have all of your dimensions, you are ready to laser cut. To laser cut, there are a variety of steps. To start with go to the application called In this application you will be allowed to design your box, by first putting your dimensions for the width, height and depth. Now you want this dimensions to be outside the box, to make it accurate, so make sure you click on the outside button. After that choose the thickness of your box, and customize your edge joints. The technology director recommended the finger edge joints, since it will be easier to paste. Once you have finished these steps download your design. Secondly you have to connect your design to your laser cutting printer, to do this go the app named Now there is only a few steps left, you only have to sign up, insert your design, and get ready the placement of each piece. Once you put inside your material of the laser cutting machine, and you have connected your design to the printer click the blue button on the machine to start. The machine will take several rounds to cut the 6 faces of your box, depending on the measurements. Then after having cut all of your acrylic pieces grab one side face of the cube to make a hole for being able to change the batteries and clicking on and off. Use protection glasses if you want to see your creation come alive.

Cut and Paste


Once you have all of your acrylic pieces, start cutting your plastic sheets to a smaller dimension as the acrylic pieces, so that it fits when you paste and form your box. Then accommodate the placement of the pieces, and only paste the bottom with 3 other side faces, paste them with a transparent glue so that it is not notable. Now make sure your plastic sheets are cut accurately to fit in the box. Next it is recommended to paste the plastic sheets inside the box, for better comfort of light and carrying around. Lastly for the acrylic piece with the hole for the connection, remember to also make the whole in the plastic sheet. Additionally, after pasting the plastic sheets in the three side faces, paste another acrylic piece and add the plastic sheets, and do the same for the top. Finally, you have created the box, a key element for the masterpiece.

Final Touches

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Final touches. You are only one step away from finishing you only have to insert your fairy lights through the whole made in the acrylic piece for the batteries. Once you have put all of your lights inside the box glue the string of the battery to the hole. Now you have created your own indoor light, enjoy it!