Starburst Wrapper Bracelet
30-50 Starburst wrappers
Flattened the wrapper with the color side down
Fold the wrapper long ways, the color side should be on the outside. Crease the fold. Try to keep the wrapper as straight as you can while folding.
Fold the wrapper long ways again. Crease the fold. Keep the wrapper as straight as you can.
Fold long ways again. Crease the fold. Keep the wrapper as straight as you can.
Fold both ends of the wrapper in half way so they meet in the middle. Crease both end of your fold.
Bring both creased ends together so they meet. You should now have a small V. Crease this fold also. If you end up with one side higher than the other on the V, the ends are not folded halfway evenly. Unfold the ends and redo Step 5. They need to be even to keep your bracelet straight.
Repeat steps 1-6 until you have the desired number of wrappers for your bracelet. The number you will have will depend on the size of your wrist. For small wrists, there will be about 30 wrappers. For large wrists, the number will be closer to 50.
This is side A of the wrapper. This is the side the folds were made on. You will have an easier time working with this side.
1. With the first wrapper, make sure Side A is pointing up with the two points pointed to the right. This will start your pattern.
2. Insert the next wrapper into the points of the first wrapper. When it is through, Side A should be facing to the left. This will create the W pattern of the bracelet. Each wrapper will be inserted into the points of the previous wrapper.
3. Take a third wrapper and insert it into the previous wrapper points. Side A should be facing upwards.
Alternate steps 2 and 3. Remember that pattern, Side A to the left, Side A up. If you make a mistake, slide the wrapper back out and try again. You should see a zigzag pattern as you go along.
Note: Working with the other side is not going to mess up the pattern, but it will be much harder to work with and could potentially undo your folds.
Once you have your desired length it is time to connect the ends. The two end points should be facing the same direction. Fold one more V, this will be the connection piece.
Insert the last piece into the end of the bracelet. Once you have inserted it, pull out the folded ends so they are sticking out of the side. The pictures show what it should look like.
The two ends you just unfolded are going to be inserted into the middle of the end point.
1. Pinch both ends of the first wrapper, this is the first V on the bracelet. Pinching both end of it will open up the hole in the end.
2. Insert both the unfolded ends into this same hole
Both the ends of the unfolded V are going to go in separate directions. This will strengthen the end of the bracelet so it does not fall off and also keeps the pattern the same so you cannot see where it is fastened off. You can always pull these ends out later to undo the bracelet.
After you have pulled the unfolded ends through the end point of the first wrapper, look at the ending V of your bracelet. This is the last wrapper you added to it, not the connecting V with the unwrapped points, but the one before that. Look at the picture if you are confused. You are going to insert one of the unwrapped points into the end point of that last wrapper. In the picture, there is a yellow arrow pointing toward this end point. You are going to do this for both sides of the unwrapped ends.
This ends off your bracelet and you are done!. This will strengthen the end of the bracelet so it does not fall off and also keeps the pattern the same so you cannot see where it is fastened off. You can always pull these ends out later to undo the bracelet.