Standing Desk Timer
I made a standing desk timer. It notifies the user when it is time to stand at work and when it is time to sit. Mine is timed to stand for 30 minutes and sit for one hour, but you can adjust the time if you need.
- Paper
- Plastic Picture Frame
- Circuit Playground
- Conductive materials
- I used aluminum foil and conductive string
- X-Acto knife or hole punch
- Scissors
- Glue
- Duct Tape
Here is the link to the code that should be used:
You can change the number of milliseconds to personalize the amount of time you stand or sit. You can also change the colors associated with sitting and standing. My code doesn't include sound, but if your work environment allows it, that would be a fun addition!
Fit the Paper to the Picture Frame
Place the picture frame on top of the paper and trace along the edges. Cut the paper on the lines so that it fits exactly into the frame.
Find the Center of the Paper
Very gently fold the paper down the middle both ways to find the center.
Cut Out Holes for the Lights
Trace the circuit playground around the outside. Then, trace each hole. This will give you a rough idea of where the LEDs are. Draw little circles where the LEDs should be, it doesn't have to be perfect.
Next, cut out the holes with a hole puncher or carefully with an X-Acto knife.
Start and Stop
Write "Start" on the left side of the front of the paper and "Stop" on the right side.
Create the Buttons Part 1
Connect the conductive material to the circuit playground. I tied the conductive string to touch A2 and A5.
Secure the Circuit Playground
Use scrap paper to create two holds for the circuit playground. I tucked the bottoms under the frame and glued them down. I folded the tops over and secured them with duct tape so that the circuit playground could still be removed.
Create the Buttons Part 2
Tuck the string into the frame (where the paper is). Then line the sides with aluminum foil, making sure it is tucked over and under the frame. Make sure the foil is folded with the string so that they are touching.
Enjoy your timer!!!!!