Stamp/Eraser From Linoleum Block

This is a linoleum block that is a stamp and eraser in one. One of the interesting properties of the linoleum I am using is that it acts like an eraser. This is a fun and simple craft that can be completed in less than an hour.

Linoleum block- unfortunately these are unavailable but the size I'm using is 3" by 2"
Linoleum carving tool- Here's the link
I got these off of amazon.
Shaping the Image

Once you have the image you want, fit it to the block and crease the edges. Take it off and cut it out.
Prepare the Image

Trace the image on the reverse of the paper. Press is onto the linoleum block and push rubbing back and forth, but don't move the paper. This transverse the image onto the linoleum. Trace the image on the linoleum.
Cut Out the Image.

Using the thinest tip on your carver, trace the outline and small details. Then use a thicker tip to do large areas. Remember that when inking only the spots where the linoleum is at its highest will it print. Here you can see the original image and the caving of it.
To Use As Eraser
Rub the side without the design on pencil markings and they will be erased.
To Use As a Stamp

1) Cover the patterned side with paint, or ink
2) Turn it onto the place you want it
3) Press down hard
4) Remove the stamp.