Squirrel Proof Finch Feeder

by berserk in Outside > Birding

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Squirrel Proof Finch Feeder

Some friends have had several finch feeders wrecked by squirrels over the last little while. The two they showed me were made of wood and clear plastic. The holes for the seeds are quite small (~2mm), but the squirrels would chew them to something more like 5cm and clean the thing out. When I saw some venting pipe at the hardware store that was about the same size, I figured I'd challenge the squirrels - they are 50km from here so I have no revenge to fear.


- 2 feet of 3 inch vent pipe
- 2 end caps
- about 1 foot of wire (ideally same material as pipe, or covered)
- rivets (sheet metal screws would do)
- 2 about 1 foot pieces of cable (or a dowel)
- 4 zip-ties

- A drill (you might be able to punch through the metal with a nail instead...)
- drill bits of the size for your rivets ot to pre-drill for the screws, if needed)
- a riveter (or screw driver if you use screws)

Substitute as McGyver would.

Drill the Holes

The pipe will be crimped at one end and not the other. The end pieces are also crimped. You want the final product to shed water, so they have to lign up like shingles. Therefore, think of the crimped end of the pipe as the top, and try to put that cap over the outside.

Drill the holes for the hanging wire.
Two holes just bigger than your wire on opposite sides of the pipe near the top. Stay far enough from the top so the wire will not interfere with the end cap that will be the lid.

Drill the holes for the sitting pegs
Two holes just bigger than the cable/dowel on opposite sides of the pipe near the bottom.
Two holes as above, but with the pipe turned 90 degrees, about a third up the pipe.

Drill the holes for the bird seed
They need to be above the pegs. To be honest, I didn't drill these because I wanted to see how they are on the feeder. I then left the future owner to do it, so I know neither the right size or how far they should be spaced from the pegs. If anyone has the info, if you could put it into the comments I can add it.

Drill the holes to secure the bottom
Four holes of the size needed for your rivets or screws. You may not need to pre-drill if you use screws.
Drill two holes just to each side of the seam in the pipe. Space the other two equally around the pipe.

Install the Sitting Pegs

Push the middle dowel through both holes so equal amounts stick out on each side.

Tie zip-ties around the peg right against the inside wall of the pipe to secure the peg in place.

Install the Bottom

Install the bottom end-cap you pre-drilled earlier and screw or rivet it in place.

Install the Hanging Wire

Feed the wire by which the feeder will hang through the holes at the top and bend over (or put a knot in) the ends.

Fill and Hang

Fill it with finch seed (where does one find this?)

Hang it outside (where do finches like to be?).
