Squid Game Doll

Made the doll from the Netflix series called "Squid Game" with Arduino.
You can play the game "Red Light, Green Light" with her.

You will need:
- Arduino UNO
- Protoboard
- HR-SC04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Servomotor
- Speaker
- LM 386 amplifier
- Push Button
- Dupont cables or any kind you have
- 9V battery
- Doll
- 600x600x5mm plywood board ( for the tree )
- Fabric ( for the dress )

Before starting the project it is important to know exacly what do you want the doll to do, that is why we create the flow diagram in order to follow its steeps. Also, it is important to add a new tab in your arduino code and call it pitches.h, inside this tab, copy the programe pitches.h above and paste it there. Then copy the SuidGameDoll code the the main tab of your code.

Connect every component as in the image above.
Install Ultrasonic Sensor

Pierce the dolls eyes to the size of the sensor and glue in in place.
Head With Servo
In order to connect the head to the servomotor, you will have to separate the head from its body and build or 3D print a piece which will connect the head to the servo. The servo will be place inside the body and right below the neck.
Make the Dress

We handmade a t-shirt, dress and socks for the doll using the same colours as in the serie, but you can also buy it.
We also add it hair.
To add the final touches we built the iconic tree we the doll is playing and we added some blood to make it more "Halloween".