Spotify Jukebox

by ku5h in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Spotify Jukebox


In this Instructable we're gonna make a great and easy accessible Music source for everybody who doesn't like to listen to Radio

The Idea


The need for this solution was to get access to music as easy as possible.
I always listen to music while cooking. What I didn't like was the "time-consuming" process of putting out the Smartphone of the pocket, opening Bluetooth settings, connecting to speaker, open up music player or Spotify, select a playlist and finally hit play. My goal was to just hit play and have Music, running that I want to listen to.

I came up with the Idea to use a Raspberry Pi, as a Musikplayer with buttons attached to the GPIO to control basic listening options, like PLAY/PAUSE NEXT TRACK, VOL UP and VOL DOWN. With an always running Raspberry Pi a customized Spotify playlist playing. With the Powerful music server VOLUMIO and just a few add-ons it is very easy to set up and there is no need for knowledge on operating with linux.

I will not show how to make the enclosure, because this is optimized to fit with the Speaker. You can build your own or even buy a wooden box and drill holes for Buttons.

Things Needed

Raspberry Pi

Spotify Premium


Setting Up the Raspberry With Volumio.


At first, we need to download the Volumio Software on our PI. To do so visit:

Next we need to download Win32 disk imager

Download both files and install the Win32 disk imager

Then insert your SD cart into your Computers card reader.

Open the Disk imager and select the SD-card. MAKE SHURE IT REALLY IS YOUR CARD SELECTED.

Browse and select the Volumio zip file.

Click on Write and wait until it is successfully done

- Now insert the SD-Card into your Raspberry. - Connect your Ethernet cable - Plug in your Wi-Fi dongle - Power the device on.

If fully booted (you can check om your Routers setting page) open up Volumio.local or its ip adress on your devices Browser. (connected to the same network)

Setup the Plugins for Volumio


We need to install and setup two Plugins to get it working.

At first the Spotify plugin second the GPIO plugin.
The Spotify plugin is easy to install. Just click on your Volumio WebUI on the gear symbol to reach the Settings menu.

Click on the plugin section and continue with

(1)search Plugins and continue with

(2)Music services

(3)hit install at the Spotify plugin and wait.

(4)then go to system tools and

(5) install the GPIO plugin Both Plugins are installed now and need to be configured.

(6) go to installed plugins

(7) hit settings at the Spotify plugin

(8) enter your Spotify username

(9) and your password

(10) and hit save. Spotify should be configured by now

Now we need to configure the GPIO plugin.

(11) go to the installed Plugins

(12) hit settings at the GPIO plugin.

(13) enable the services you want to use. PLAY, VOL UP, VOL DOWN, NEXT

(14) set up the Pins you are going to use. You can see the pins I'm using at the pictures.

(15) safe these settings as well.

Finally, if everything is saved, unplug your Raspberry Pi

Setting Up the Buttons.

Now we need to install the Buttons.
The Buttons have two legs. One Leg is going to be connected with 3V3 power pin and the other legs with the GPIO pins you selected in the settings menu of the GPIO plugin.

If you are not doing this on a breadboard, we need to solder. So get your Iron hot and get some small cables.

At first connect one leg of each button with another, so that they are wired in a row. Solder at the last button one more cable, that is a bit longer to connect this to the 3V3 current pin. Shown in the first picture.

Now solder the cables for the Pin connection at the other leg.

TIPP: Use cables with a connector, so you can connect the buttons to your Raspberry Pi without soldering it onto the pins. Also, You can change pins easily.

At last, we need to connect the cables to the Pins. Where to put your Cables depends on the Raspberry pi model you use. You can find Charts online that shows which pin is which number.

Make sure to connect the Buttons to the pins you selected in the GPIO settings.

Now you can Power your Pi

Get Your Playlist Ready


Now we need to add a few Songs in the queue.
I made a Playlist in Spotify named Kitchen tunes with songs I want to listen to while cooking.

Make your own Playlist. You can use Spotify or add Music with ab USB Stick.

Then open up the Volumio UI in your Browser and

(1) click on the Note

(2) scroll down and select Spotify

(3) hit my Playlists

(4) click on the Menu button (three dots) and then add to queue.

(5) open the Playlist

(6) make sure to shuffle your playlist.

FINALLY, if not already done HIT THE PLAY BUTTON Your done!!


Have fun exploring the opportunities Volumio offers you. This is a very powerful Musikserver.
One more add on, which will expand your possibilities, is the Spotify connect add on. This will give you the opportunities to use Volumio as a Spotify connect player and start your Musik on every device. (just for the case, you want to listen to a special Song)