Spirited Away Makey Makey Orchestra
by pan_eileen in Circuits > Computers
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Spirited Away Makey Makey Orchestra

I made a orchestral stage out of cardboard designed after one of my favorite Japanese ghibli films, Spirited Away. It displays these four instruments such as the violin, cello, guitar, and harp. When touching one of the instruments it plays a part of One Summer’s Day which is the theme song. I think people who watched this will agree that it plays a big part of their childhood and gives off a very emotional aura. In addition, in the film there is a theme which is that knowing one’s name is very important and marks their identity. Moreover, environmentalism is shown in Spirited Away since it constantly shows the consequences of the world when people do not take care of their environment. It contributes to the problem that we will continue to have which is climate change.

Cardboard Box
Handy Box Cutter
Copper Wire
Cutting Board
Aluminum Foil Paper
Clear tape
Duct tape
Makey Makey Kit
Chromebook or laptop
Scratch program (available at https://scratch.mit.edu)
Programming Scratch (Adding the Sound Elements)

- Create scratch account in order to program at https://scratch.mit.edu)
- Click “+New Project” in the upper left hand corner to create a new project.
3.Go to “Choose a Sprite” and choose a random sprite
4.Erase the sprite in 🖌Costumes and draw a stick figure, trying to make it look like it’s playing the violin
5.Click the yellow “Events” button on the left hand side.
6.Choose “When Space Key Pressed” block and drag it into the empty workspace on the right
7.Click the purple “Looks” button on the left hand side.
8.Choose “show” block and drag it under the yellow block
9.Choose “switch background to__” and drag it under the blocks
10.Choose another sprite in the bottom rightside corner
11.Erase the sprite in 🖌Costumes and upload a clipart picture of a violin and make sure it’s transparent using https://www3.lunapic.com/editor/
12.Copy the steps from 5, 6, 7 ,8
13.Choose the magenta “Sound” button on the left hand side.
14.Go to 🕩Sounds and click “Record” in the bottom left corner. Record the melody of One Summer’s Day
15.Move the bars on the left and the right sides to trim the sound as needed.
16.Click the orange “Control” button on the left hand side.
17.Choose the repeat loop and switch the number to 18 based on your recorded sound
18.Add a duplicate of the sprite in 🖌Costumes and draw music notes around the instrument
19.Click the purple “Looks” button on the left hand side
20.Choose the “next costume” and place it in the repeat loop
21. Click the orange “Control” button on the left hand side.
22.Choose “wait _ seconds” and change it to 0.3 seconds, making a animation. You want to also put this in the repeat loop
23.Then, go to “Choose a Sprite” and choose a random sprite, and erase it.
24.Begin to draw a violin bow and add a duplicate of the sprite in 🖌Costumes, in total have 3 bows all in different places so that when it plays the sound, it looks like it’s playing the violin
25.Continue the same process with the cello, guitar, and harp!
*NOTE: Make sure that when the other instruments are playing, you add the hide block so that they won’t show up.
Building the Cardboard Stage

- Gather your supplies (and paper that’s made out of aluminium foil)
2.Place the paper onto your cutting board
3.Use your ruler and pencil to measure. Then, cut edges of the paper with your box cutter in order for it to fit onto the box.
4. With your glue, spread it on the bottom of the paper and then stick it to the “ground” of the cardboard
5.Take another sheet of the paper and with your ruler and pencil, measure this time the side of the cardboard box. Also, use your box cutter to cut off the edges.
6.Use your glue bottle to fold and stick it to one side
7.Repeat the same process until the other three sides are covered. This will make it cleaner and more presentable.
8.Use your duct tape around the four sides of the glued paper so that it will not fall off easily.
9.Print pictures of the violin, cello, harp, and guitar. Next use your scissors to cut.
10.To make the instruments stand up, use your box cutter and cut a strip of the aluminium foil paper.
11.Next fold it together and snip at the sides. You should have your stand shape.
12.Glue the instruments to the back of the stand and now you have your finished cardboard stage!
*NOTE: If you want to add more decorations, I printed some Spirited Away photos (soot sprites, Haku in his dragon form, No face, and spirits) Cut them and use glue to stick it on the “ground” or the wall of the cardboard stage. This is optional, and you can use any photos if you want to make it more unique.
Attaching Makey Makey to the Project

- Get your alligator clips from your Makey Makey Kit
2.Clamp each of the alligator clips onto the foil of the violin (space), cello (left), harp (right) and guitar (down)
3.Get a copper wire and snip it (should be 8-inch)
4.Print two pictures of a bow, make sure they correspond with each other
5.Use glue to glue the 2 papers in the front and behind the copper wire, make sure the front and back piece of the wire sticks out
6.Tape the 2 sides so that the copper wire will not slide and hold in place.
7.Don’t forget to clamp your ground wire with your bow and make sure to hold it
8.Using your bow and your hand holding the ground, it will play now!
Test and Troubleshoot the Project and Code

- Get your Makey Makey kit and computer
2.Insert the USB mini end of the cable into the USB mini slot of the Makey Makey
3.Insert the USB end of the cable into your computer.
4.Check that the conductive copper wire bow, alligator clips, and other connections are in contact.