Space Inspired Glass Pendants

This Instructable is for glass gem pendants inspired by the colors of space. They are inexpensive, easy to make and a lot of fun to do with a group.

Alcohol Inks
Mod Podge or other clear sealer
Glass gems, flat back marbles, jewelry pieces
Felt, cotton (cut up in squares)
Jewelry findings

Add a couple of small drops of alcohol ink onto a felt square. Next you can either place the glass onto the felt and press down or press the felt onto the flat side of the glass. Keep doing this until the entire gem has color and you are satisfied with the pattern. I limit myself to 2 colors as more than that risks muddling.
Allow glass to dry.

While alcohol ink dries quickly, I like to give it a few hours before sealing. I used Rangers Glossy Accents and carefully painted the sealer over the ink and let try for several more hours (follow manufacturer instructions).
Finishing Touches

Now you can glue on your bails onto the flat side of the glass or glue inside a pendant tray and press firmly down so that the glue is evenly distributed. Allow to dry before wearing.