Soutache Earrings!!

This style of Soutache Earrings can be made in two ways and they are: ▪︎Stiched ▪︎Glued.
I will teach you to make them glued.
*Tips: before we begin just want to recommend cleaning any residue (glue) from your fingers while working on the earring and have all materials you need ready and handy.
I will teach you to make them glued.
*Tips: before we begin just want to recommend cleaning any residue (glue) from your fingers while working on the earring and have all materials you need ready and handy.
Materials Needed:

▪︎Silicone glue.
▪︎Soutache Ornamental Braid (3 YD or more).
▪︎Ultra suede.
▪︎Flat back gemstone (2 mideum & 2 small).
▪︎Crystal AB rhinestone strass chain (2mm & 4.3mm) *1 YD each.
▪︎Flat post earrings.
▪︎Tweezer (optional).
▪︎Seed beads (optional).
▪︎Nymo thread & needle (optional).
▪︎Silicone glue.
▪︎Soutache Ornamental Braid (3 YD or more).
▪︎Ultra suede.
▪︎Flat back gemstone (2 mideum & 2 small).
▪︎Crystal AB rhinestone strass chain (2mm & 4.3mm) *1 YD each.
▪︎Flat post earrings.
▪︎Tweezer (optional).
▪︎Seed beads (optional).
▪︎Nymo thread & needle (optional).
Cut & Paste

First you cut the ultra suede into 4 squares (two medium & two small) to glue the gemstones and leaving some extra space to work...
*Tip: each gemstone has to be glued separete ultra suede.
*Tip: each gemstone has to be glued separete ultra suede.

After you glued the gemstones, you take your Soutache Ornamental Braid and measure it around the gemstone...
*Tip: the soutache is not use flat, it's use up.
*Tip: the soutache is not use flat, it's use up.
Cut, Paste & Hold

With the soutache already measured around the gemstone (leave a little extra) and cut. We cut 6 long soutache strips and 4 short soutache strips (three long strips for each mideum gemstones and two short strips for the small gemstones) set them aside. We take the silicone and put a normal amount around the ultra suede and gemstone, we grab 3 of the strips and glue them around the gemstone and hold. *Tip: to hold the soutache strips in place around the gemstone we use our nails or tweezers (optional).
Repeat, Paste & Hold

Having the other 3 long strips glued, we cut and grab 2 (4.3mm) strass chain and glue them on each side (as shown in the photo¹), once the 2 strass chain are glued (both) we leave them aside (to dry) and repeat step 4 (glue the 2 short strips in each small gemstone) and hold, once glued we let them dry...
Cut, Paste & Burn

Know we take one of the medium gemstone and make a super close cut to the soutache and strass (as shown in the photo¹). Then take the loose strips (grab four of them) and roll them to the right side (photo² and ³), we glue (in the back too), cut the excess and burn the ends (in the back)(photo⁴). We repeat the same with the other side with the remaning two loose strips (let dry), and we repeat the same with the other medium gemstone (but the opposite side), glue and burn... *Tip: if you roll 4 (strips) on the right side, the other 4 you roll on the left side (as shown in the with the result of how should look).
Measure, Cut & Paste

With the rounds (already rolled) made, we grab the strass chain (2mm) measure it with the four rounds (rolls)(as in the photo¹) cut and glue. We do the same with the other one that has four rojnds (rolls)(photo²). Then we take the soutache again, measure 4 strips (two for each side)(photo³) cut and glue. We also cut 2 strass chain (4.3mm)(one for each side) once the strass is glued, let ir dry for a few minutes and the cut super close to the soutache and strass (as shown in photo⁴). We glue the loose strips as we roll them and gluing them on the back, cut off the excess and burn a little (do the same for the other one)(as step 6).
Almost Done

Once step 7 is finished, we set it aside for it to dry a few minutes. While the medium pieces are drying we take the 2 small gemstone and cut close to the soutache (careful not to cut it) and cut the excess (as in the photo¹). Once this is done we take the 2 pieces we set aside (to dry) and repeat. Once the 4 pieces are cut (as in the photo²) we take the small gemstone and glue it behind (back) the medium piece (as shown in photo³). With everthing glued (as shown in photo⁴) we let them dry for a few minutes.
*Tip: everytime we cut each piece (with our earring design finished and glued together), we take the lighter and pass it through the all of the edge of the piece.
*Tip: everytime we cut each piece (with our earring design finished and glued together), we take the lighter and pass it through the all of the edge of the piece.
Ready to Finish

Okay, with step 8 finished (already done with the cuts, burned edges and glued everthing together) we can add some embellishment such as: ▪︎beads ▪︎seed beads ▪︎fabric flawores or whatever you love (optional). After the embellishment you choose, we take another ultra sued, place the soutache earring (to measure) and cut.
Before gluing all, we make a hole in the ultra suede with the flat post earring, glue it and then we glue our piece (soutache earring) on the ultra suede and the flat post earring (as in photo¹). We let the soutache earrings to dry approximately 2 to 3 hours. Once that is done we cut both earrings through the edge and we burn throughout the edge. WE ARE FINISHED!!!
* here's how it has to look from the front & back (photo²).
Before gluing all, we make a hole in the ultra suede with the flat post earring, glue it and then we glue our piece (soutache earring) on the ultra suede and the flat post earring (as in photo¹). We let the soutache earrings to dry approximately 2 to 3 hours. Once that is done we cut both earrings through the edge and we burn throughout the edge. WE ARE FINISHED!!!
* here's how it has to look from the front & back (photo²).
Soutache Earring Done!!

I hope you enjoyed making these beautiful Soutache Earrings as much as I did!!!
*any doubt just ask, I'll answer anything with pleasure.
*any doubt just ask, I'll answer anything with pleasure.