
by Beasterbunny3 in Cooking > Bread

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Sopapilla Recipe Instructables Fried Food Challenge

Sopapillas are one of New Mexico’s best kept secrets. I think these delicious clouds of fried goodness was a key player to winning over my spouse. They go great with both sweet and savory. I like to use them to scoop up my chile and save one for the end of the meal to eat with honey or jelly.


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This Recipe make 1-2 dozen depending on size.


  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons lard
  • 1 ½ cup warm water



  • Mixing bowl
  • Measuring cups/spoons
  • Pan or Fryer
  • Sifter (optional)
  • Rolling Pin

Mix the Ingredients

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  • Add the dry ingredients to mixing bowl. Flour salt, baking powder
  • *Note My grandma sifted the flour so I sift the flour
  • Add lard
  • Slowly warm water while mixing
  • *Note Hands are great mixing tools

Wait 20 Minutes

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  • Cover dough with paper towels or hand towel
  • Wait 20 minutes

Roll and Cut

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*Note circles are hard. We are cutting the dough anyway so don’t worry about the shape.

  • Break dough into smaller manageable balls
  • Roll out dough in to your favorite shape or state
  • 1/8 to1/4 inch thick
  • Cut into desired sizes


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  • Preheat oil about 375 degrees
  • Place dough in oil frying until both sides are golden brown
  • Drain on paper towels
  • *Note I place paper towels at the bottom of my bowl