材料: arduino uno,超音波感測器,驅動馬達,喇叭
Step 1 電路圖
Step 2 寫程式(arduino)
Step 3 寫程式(processing)
import processing.serial.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.io.IOException;
Serial myPort; PFont orcFont; int iAngle; int iDistance; void setup() { size(1000, 500); smooth(); myPort = new Serial(this, "COM7", 9600); myPort.clear(); myPort.bufferUntil('\n');
} void draw() { fill(98, 245, 31); noStroke(); fill(0, 4); rect(0, 0, width, 0.935 * height); fill(98, 245, 31); DrawRadar(); DrawLine(); DrawObject(); DrawText(); } void serialEvent (Serial myPort) { try { String data = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); if (data == null) { return; } int commaIndex = data.indexOf(","); String angle = data.substring(0, commaIndex); String distance = data.substring(commaIndex+1, data.length()-1); iAngle = StringToInt(angle); iDistance = StringToInt(distance); } catch(RuntimeException e) {} } void DrawRadar() { pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, 0.926 * height); noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(98, 245, 31); // draws the arc lines DrawRadarArcLine(0.9375); DrawRadarArcLine(0.7300); DrawRadarArcLine(0.5210); DrawRadarArcLine(0.3130); // draws the angle lines final int halfWidth = width/2; line(-halfWidth, 0, halfWidth, 0); for(int angle = 30; angle <= 150; angle+=30) { DrawRadarAngledLine(angle); } line(-halfWidth * cos(radians(30)), 0, halfWidth, 0); popMatrix(); } void DrawRadarArcLine(final float coefficient) { arc(0, 0, coefficient * width, coefficient * width, PI, TWO_PI); } void DrawRadarAngledLine(final int angle){ line(0, 0, (-width/2) * cos(radians(angle)), (-width/2) * sin(radians(angle))); } void DrawObject() { pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, 0.926 * height); strokeWeight(9); stroke(255,10,10); int pixsDistance = int(iDistance * 0.020835 * height); if(iDistance < 40 && iDistance != 0) { float cos = cos(radians(iAngle)); float sin = sin(radians(iAngle)); int x1 = +int(pixsDistance * cos); int y1 = -int(pixsDistance * sin); int x2 = +int(0.495 * width * cos); int y2 = -int(0.495 * width * sin); line(x1, y1, x2, y2); } popMatrix(); } void DrawLine() { pushMatrix(); strokeWeight(9); stroke(30, 250, 60); translate(width/2, 0.926 * height); float angle = radians(iAngle); int x = int(+0.88 * height * cos(angle)); int y = int(-0.88 * height * sin(angle)); line(0, 0, x, y); popMatrix(); } void DrawText() { pushMatrix(); fill(0, 0, 0); noStroke(); rect(0, 0.9352 * height, width, height); fill(98, 245, 31); textSize(25); text("10cm", 0.6146 * width, 0.9167 * height); text("20cm", 0.7190 * width, 0.9167 * height); text("30cm", 0.8230 * width, 0.9167 * height); text("40cm", 0.9271 * width, 0.9167 * height); textSize(40); text("Object: " + (iDistance > 40 ? "Out of Range" : "In Range"), 0.125 * width, 0.9723 * height); text("Angle: " + iAngle + " °", 0.52 * width, 0.9723 * height); text("Distance: ", 0.74 * width, 0.9723 * height); if(iDistance < 40) { text(" " + iDistance +" cm", 0.775 * width, 0.9723 * height); } textSize(25); fill(98, 245, 60); translate(0.5006 * width + width/2 * cos(radians(30)), 0.9093 * height - width/2 * sin(radians(30))); rotate(-radians(-60)); text("30°",0,0); resetMatrix(); translate(0.497 * width + width/2 * cos(radians(60)), 0.9112 * height - width/2 * sin(radians(60))); rotate(-radians(-30)); text("60°",0,0); resetMatrix(); translate(0.493 * width + width/2 * cos(radians(90)), 0.9167 * height - width/2 * sin(radians(90))); rotate(radians(0)); text("90°",0,0); resetMatrix(); translate(0.487 * width + width/2 * cos(radians(120)), 0.92871 * height - width/2 * sin(radians(120))); rotate(radians(-30)); text("120°",0,0); resetMatrix(); translate(0.4896 * width + width/2 * cos(radians(150)), 0.9426 * height - width/2 * sin(radians(150))); rotate(radians(-60)); text("150°",0,0); popMatrix(); }
int StringToInt(String string) { int value = 0; for(int i = 0; i < string.length(); ++i) { if(string.charAt(i) >= '0' && string.charAt(i) <= '9') { value *= 10; value += (string.charAt(i) - '0'); }} return value;}