Solid Wood Foldable Table

Hello everyone,
We made a table for our kitchen.
The aim of making is preparing and serving food.
It's easy to assemble. You only need to find a good looking natural wood for top.
I added dwg file and rhinoceros file.
I hope you like.

Around 8 meter Wooden Bar 4.5 cm x 4.5 cm
Around 10 meter Wooden Bar 2 cm x 2 cm
2 meter 30 mm x 2000 mm x 36~40 cm Natural Flat Wood
6 hinges
Wood Glue
Building Shelves

Building Body

​Attaching Shelves

Building Folding Leg

Attaching Folding Leg

Cutting Top Part and Attaching

Cutting this size of wood could be dangerous, if you don't have experiences and professional machines.
If you don't have both, I suggest to take professional help.
For example, I took my natural wood from BAUHAUS and I wanted to they cut for me.
Attaching Top Part to Body

And Finally Polish It for Long Living.