Solderless Wire Fastening

This video shows how one can take 2 stranded wires, separating one into two sections, and braid them together for a very strong connection, in the event that no soldering equipment or power is available. It makes a great temporary connection, that can be soldered as is later on.
This is a great way to join two wires if you have no power for a soldering iron. No soldering iron available, no solder available, or no way to get a soldering iron into the area to solder the wires. BTW: the three sections of wire are placed parallel and facing the same direction, folding alternating outer wires inwardly to form a braid.
This is a great way to join two wires if you have no power for a soldering iron. No soldering iron available, no solder available, or no way to get a soldering iron into the area to solder the wires. BTW: the three sections of wire are placed parallel and facing the same direction, folding alternating outer wires inwardly to form a braid.