Solar Bunker

by ssimons3 in Workshop > Solar

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Solar Bunker

solar bunker.png

I though about something to create while I was going through the entries. I though about how my group last project made the solar powered fan so I made a bunker that is made from a storage crate that you can live out of.

Step One


First thing I did was I made the storage crate itself. It too a little bit of time to make the ridges on the side to get it to look like a storage crate and not just a rectangle with a hole in it.

Step Two


When I fished up the storage crate I put the solar panels on top. They have a hinge in the middle of it so they can tilt with the movement of the sun.

Step Three

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The next thing I made was the bed that you would sleep on. It is not very comfy I will be honest but It will sleep one person. It has one pillow to go with it.

Step Four

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Next I created the table and chairs. They are made out of wood and are pretty simple. There chair are most likely also not very comfortable, kinda like the ones in the media center. After I created them I took them and put them into the bunker. I also put a little tinkercad sign on the wall to add something colorful.

Step 5

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Next I created some storage. It is two little filing cabinet style drawers. It can hold stuff like your clothes, silverware, cups/plates, files, etc.

Step Six

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Next I put a little skateboard for something to do if you get bored. You would most likely have to use it outside because of the little space you have in the bunker.

Finished Product

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