How are you going to supply your house with electric power in the near future? Meet the Solarobot®, the newest invention designed to answer that question. Its body is a huge-capacity battery combined with DC/AC inverter, capable of powering your entire house and get it out of grid. This robot is programmed to ''hunt'' the sun. It moves around to a given area to find the ''perfect'' spot and has this flower looking arrange of photovoltaics with a central panel surrounded from other six. All pieces work together to get the most of the sun and increase robot's energy efficiency. The panels rotate to face the sun from dawn till dusk. They also have the capability to close when the robot is not at use or they partially close so they reflect the light into the central panel. This last function is activated when the weather is foggy or cloudy or even at night. The gathered energy is transferred to the house from the back connection the robot has. This invention is perfect for those who don’t have an available roof to setup photovoltaics, those who travel and can carry it with them and mostly for those who love the environment! (Also with some small adjustments it can easily operate to our future homes at Mars…). Watch :