Soda Tab Wristband

by kwiecien in Craft > Fashion

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Soda Tab Wristband

Photo Mar 23, 17 40 26.jpg

How to make a soda tab wristband bracelet

Step 1: Gather Supplies

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You will need around 24" of elastic string and 20 to 28 soda tabs depending on wrist size

Step 2: Thread String Through Tab

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Loop string through the tab, centering tab at middle of string

Step 3: Add Tab

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Hold a second tab below the first with rough edges touching. Overlap tabs so you can see through the openings of both tabs. Thread string up from bottom through both tabs, bringing top string through top hole and bottom string through bottom hole.

Step 4: Add Another Tab

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Turn tabs over and overlap third tab on second one. Thread string through opposite holes to form an X on top.

Step 5: REPEAT

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Continue making pattern till bracelet is as long as you need it, alternating back and forth between threading string from front to back.

Step 6: Tie Knot

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Take excess string on the end and loop through the first tab, securing the bracelet.

Step 7: El Fin

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Stretch bracelet around wrist and wear freely