Sock Rhino

by LD_P in Craft > Sewing

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Sock Rhino

DIY Sock Rhino | LDP

Since it was World Rhino Day on 22 September, I decided to celebrate by creating a plush sock rhino. This pattern is another variation of the traditional sock monkey, just like my sock sloth. He's a super cute little fellow, and a reminder that we need to work to make sure that the only rhinos we end up left with aren't plush toys.

Enjoy this tutorial, and let me know if you make your own!

Pin Your Sock


Turn your sock inside out. Pin the leg area of your sock flat, with a row of pins down the centre.

Sew the Back Legs


Sew from the heel of the sock up, foot-width from the row of pins. Round the end just before the end of the sock. Repeat on the opposite side.

Cut the Legs Apart


Cut down the centre of these strips, separating them, and cut off the end area of the sock. Turn the sock right-side out from the small hole between the legs.

Stuff the Body


Add stuffing and then close

Create the Face


Cut the toe off the other sock, tack down the edges and stitch it onto the rhino's head. Add some stuffing in to give it shape before you close it off.

Add Eyes


Add two circles of black felt for eyes. Stitch above the raised nose area, and add a small dot of white felt in each eye.

Add Horn


Cut two horn-shaped pieces of white or cream felt. Stitch them together, add stuffing, and attach to the raised area.

Add Ears


Cut two teardrop shapes from grey felt. Add a stitch of two at the bottom, folding the centre a bit to add more shape. Attach to the top of the head, and repeat for the other ear.

Create Front Legs


Sew the front legs using the same steps used when sewing the back legs; sew from the heel up beside the row of pins, and then curve at the end.

Cut Out Front Legs


Cut out the front legs, separating them completely, and cutting away the remainder of the sock.

Stuff and Close Front Legs


Turn your front legs inside out, fill with stuffing, and stitch closed.

Attach Front Legs


Stitch the front legs onto the sides of your rhino's body, and you're done!