So Easy MicroPython - Dweet, IoT Cloud Platform

by Yungger Chen in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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So Easy MicroPython - Dweet, IoT Cloud Platform


*** Just add 2~3 lines, then your MCU will be an IoT enabled device empowered by ***

from MyREST_Dweet import myDweet

my = myDweet("YOUR_TOPIC")

my.send({'temperature': 13, 'humidity': 33})

*** MyREST_Dweet is a very useful library I designed to let your MCU upload and download data to/from Dweet Cloud platform in very easy and fast way. Just like the codes above, your MCU will send out data of temperature and humidity to Dweet. ***

Upload Libraries to Your MCU

First, You need to upload the libraries to your MCU board:

  • MyREST_Dweet: A specific function library for accessing data on platform
  • MyWifi: A basic library for WiFi connection (Optional, if your code already make the MCU connect to WiFi)

*** If you have no idea how to upload File to your MCU, read my another article "So Easy MicroPython - ESP8266/ESP32 MCU File Management" first.

*** If you are interested in MyWifi library or no idea how to use it, read my another article "So Easy MicroPython - My WiFi Connection"

Example 1:Upload Data to Platform


# Connect to WiFi, it cab be omitted if your MCU already get on WiFi in your existing codes

from MyWifi import myWifi

my_wifi = myWifi("YOUR_WIFI_SSID", "YOUR_WIFI_PWD")


# Only add these 3 lines, then your MCU can upload data in dictionary to the Dweet

from MyREST_Dweet import myDweet

my = myDweet("YOUR_TOPIC")
print('\n >>> Data uploaded to Dweet (can keep in 24 hours):', my.send({'temperature': 13, 'humidity': 33}))

Example 2:Read Data From Platform


# Connect to WiFi, it cab be omitted if your MCU already get on WiFi in your existing codes

from MyWifi import myWifi

my_wifi = myWifi("YOUR_WIFI_SSID", "YOUR_WIFI_PWD")


# Only add these 3 lines, then your MCU can read data in list from the Dweet

from MyREST_Dweet import myDweet

my = myDweet("YOUR_TOPIC")

print('\n >>> Read the latest data from Dweet:',

Example 3:Control Your LED Using MyDweet

So Easy MicroPython - Dweet, IoT Cloud Platform

# Connect to WiFi, it cab be omitted if your MCU already get on WiFi in your existing codes

from MyWifi import myWifi

# Connect to WiFi
my_wifi = myWifi("YOUR_WIFI_SSID", "YOUR_WIFI_PWD")


# Upload and download data in dictionary to/from the Dweet, and then control the MCU's LED

from machine import Pin

led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) led.value(1)

from MyREST_Dweet import myDweet

my = myDweet("YOUR_TOPIC")

for i in range(5):

my.send({'led': (i % 2)}) # upload data

res = my.readLast() # download data

if len(res) > 0:

on_off = res[0]['content']['led']


*** You can download the source code [HERE] ***

That's So Easy, Hope to Help a Little Bit !

Posted by Yungger

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