Snello, a Snails Favorite Treat

by entity1000 in Living > Pets

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Snello, a Snails Favorite Treat


Aquatic snails come in many different sizes, colors, and patterns. Species like the Ramshorn Snails, Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, Apple snails, Pond snails, and Malaysian Trumpet Snails are all quite popular in the hobby. Each snail has their own personality and needs. Some are great at eating all the algae in your tank, while others, like the assassin snail, control the growing population of Trumpet or Pond Snails.

When there is no more food left, what will your growing snail eat? While algae wafers work, they lack the calcium snails need. When I ran into this problem, I found out about snello. There are many recipes on the internet, but I modified them to make the ingredients a little bit easier and cheaper.

Snello will have all of the required nutrients, including calcium for shell growth, to keep your snail healthy. Once you make this easy recipe, your snails will have an amazing treat to eat from.


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There are a few things you will need to get started.


  • A pinch of algae wafers (NO COPPER)
  • 10-14 antacid tablets (I use berry flavor)
  • 1/2 cup of unsalted green beans
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 1/2 packs of gelatin


  • Blender
  • 1/2 measuring cup
  • 1/4 measuring cup
  • microwave safe bowl / small pot
  • microwave / stove
  • butter knife
  • spoon
  • container
  • ice cube tray or a small mold
  • Mordor or pestle (a plastic bag a tool thing work to)

Now that you have these things, let's get started.

The Green Beans


First we need to prepare the green beans.

  1. Drain canned green beans if that is what you have.
  2. Cook 1/2 cup of green beans and 1/4 cup of water at a medium temperature 5 - 10 minutes on the stove or 30 seconds to a minute in a microwave to kill bacteria and to soften them.
  3. When finished, turn off the stove or microwave and set aside.

Antacid Tablets and Wafers

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Now we will get our antacid tablets and algae wafers.

  1. Smash all the antacid tablets and algae wafers with the Mordor and pestle until powdered. (They don't need to be perfectly powdered.) I don't have a Mordor and pestle so I used a plastic bag and a thing-a-ma-bob.


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Once the antacid tablets have been powdered, we can now start bringing it together.

  1. Put the cooked green beans and gelatin into the blender and blend. Do not drain the water with the green beans.
  2. Now pour the powdered antacid tablets and algae wafers into the blender and blend.
  3. Use a spoon to scrape the edges back in the liquid.

Final Steps


Now we can finish the snello.

  1. Pour the mix from the blender into ice cube trays. This should fill about 2 - 6 cubs, depending on the size of the tray.
  2. Put the tray in the fridge for four hours, or overnight to set up.
  3. Take the tray out and use a butter knife to take out the cubes
  4. Now use the knife to cut each cube. I cut mine into eighths, which will feed my four snails.
  5. Store in a container in the fridge.

Let the Snails Enjoy


Now you can give your snails a new treat! Feed twice a week, unless they don't eat it all. If this happens, give them smaller proportions. Not all snails are the same. Some are very picky or don't eat when you are watching. Remove uneaten food after a day or two. Lasts about a week or two in the fridge, or you can freeze it and thaw before feeding.

This is my first Instructable, if you think I did well, please click the heart. If you have any questions, leave a comment. Thanks!