EAL-Industry 4.0-Smart Rocket

by ProjektHover in Circuits > Arduino

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EAL-Industry 4.0-Smart Rocket


This is a school project, made on Erhversakademiet Lillebælt in Denmark.

The project is made in a class called "Industri 4.0".

The task is to implement an automatic system from the industry 4.0 principles.

The system should be able to log data, and upload it to a database.

The data should then be able to read from the database.

Making the Sheath for Your Sensors, Arduino and Battery


The sheath is drawn in Inventor, and printed in a Makerbot 2+

(Somehow, we had a printer error, which caused the surface on one of the sides so look a little weird.)

The sheath is designed with 5 rooms. First is for the battery, second is for the SD-card, third is for the barometric sensor fourth is for the diodes, and the last one is for the arudino.

On one of the parts there is made grooves for the sensor and diode room, so give the sensor air and so that the diodes can be seen.

The reason there it is in 4 parts is because the printer we used, was not big enought for the lenght of the sheath. The assembel spot is diffrent on the 2 parts so it is less likely to break

What to do

1.) Assemble the parts (on picture 1, the 2 white and the 2 brown) and glue them together.

2.) On the back of the sheath, drill 3 holes for the diodes in the groove. (Picture 2).

Hardware Setup


What you need:

1 Arduino nano, 1 SD-card reader + SD-card, 1 barometric sensor, 3 diodes + resistors, 1 9v battery and wires.

Under and over all hardware are some cotton wool before the sheath is closed. This is to ensure that the hardware is safe and will not move when the rocket is fired.

The arduino is connected like this (Picture 1)

+5 --> 5V
CS --> Digital 4
MOSI --> Digital 11
SCK --> Digital 13
MI SQ --> Digital 12

Barometric sensor
VCC_IN --> 5V
SCL --> Analog 5
SDA -->Analog 4



Green + --> Digital 7

Yellow + --> Digital 5

Red + --> Digital 6

What to do

1.) Solder the GND on all diodes together to make a shared GND to make less wires to the arduino.

2.) Solder your preferred resisters to the diodes.

3.) Cut all wires in fit lengths and connect or solder them to the arduino and the hardware.

4.) Glue the wires to the sheath, so you do not have to fumble with them when you are acquiring data from the SD-card.

5.) Glue the battery and wanted components to the Sheath. (Make sure you do not glue the SD-card to the sheath, as you want to eject the card for data acquiring).

6.) Separate vulnerable wires with glue, to make sure the wires do not touch each other and causes short circuit. We did this with the resistor and diode wires. (Picture 3)

Making the Rocket


what you need:

Empty toiletpaper rolls, a pvc fitting, duct tape, utility knife, a small fine saw and a plastic champagne glass

How to build the rocket:

1.) Take 4 toiletpaper rolls and duct tape them together.(Picture 2)

2.) Then duct tape the bottom of the 3 rolls.(Picture 3)

3.) Now you duct tape the whole rocket, until you cant see any toiletpaper roll.

4.) Cut 2 holes in the rocket, so that the diodes can be seen, and the sensor can get air. (Picture 4)

5.) Take your little fine saw and cut the end of the champagne glas and then cut it in 2 pieces. (Picture 5)

6.) Then take the 2 pieces of the champagne glass, bend them around a toiletpaper roll and duct tape it together. Do not tape the top to the rocket yet. You want the sheath and sensors in the rocket first.

7.) Duct tape the pvc fitting to the bottum of the rocket.

Making the Rocket Launcher


What you need:

1 Solenoid valve, 1 Gas tank, 1 regular valve, 1 pvc tube and 1 pvc fitting.

1.) Fit the regular valve on the gas tank

2.) Fit the solenoid valve on the regular valve

3.) Put the pvc fitting on top of the solenoid valve and make sure it is airtight

4.) Fit the pvc tube in the pvc fitting.

REMOVED STEP (Making the Parachute)


Because we lack in time to make our project, we decided to remove the parachute and instead catch the rocket with a tarpaulin.

But since we already made the parachute, we decided to keep the step, in case you still want to give your rocket a parachute.


We dont want the rocket to fall down and break into pieces, therefore we need a parachute.

To make this, we need:

1 plastic cloth, Rope,1 safety pin, tape and a rubber band.

1.) Cut the plastic "dug" into a square.

2.) Fold it over so it will be 2 layers. (Picture 2)

3.) Fold it into a square so it will be 4 layers. (Picture 3)

4.) Fold it into a triangle, so it will be 8 layers. (Picture 4)

5.) Make a linear line X cm from the corner and cut it off. (Picture 5)

6.) Fold it back to 1 layer. Now it should look like picture 6.

7.) Cut 2 ropes with the length:

8.) Take the corners and bring them together, put 1 end of the rope in the middle, and tape it together. (picture 7)

9.) Make a knot, so the 2 ropes get a little loop. (Picture 8)

Arduino Program

The program starts running as soon as you connect the battery to the arduino.

The 3 diodes will tell what state the rocket is in.

Red means that there is a problem with the SD-card, and the data will not be logged.
Yellow means that the rocket is all set, but not logging yet.
Green means that the data is being logged.

From the moment the battery is connected, the rocket will be in wait mode for 2 minutes. (Yellow diode is on)

After 2 minutes, the yellow diode will be off, and the green will be on. The rocket is now ready to be launched.

The program contains a float called "Looptime". This variable tells how often the data is logged. In this program, the looptime is set to 0.5, which means the data is logged every 0.5 second.

The data will be printed in the serial monitor if the arduino is connected to a computer. But will also print to the SD-card if connected. The data is separated by a semicolon. First comes the time, then temperature, then pressure and at the end comes 3 semicolons, this is because it is needed in the "Rocket Calculator" to make empty columns for the calculations.


"Rocket Calculator"


The program is made in Microsoft Visual Studio.

When you open the program, the first thing you will see is a greeting.(Picture 1)

Press "Import.." to start importing your data.

Press "Import file..." to locate the file on your computer (Picture 2 & 3)

Once you have choosen the file, press open and you should get a pop-up window, telling you that your file has been imported. (Picture 4)

The data is now imported and ready.

If you press "Data" you will see all your data, and the calculated Height (Picture 5)

If you press "Height" you will see a graph over the height.(Picture 6)


Testing the Rocket

Data logging Rocket

The result of the rocket launch was a little disapointing. We had hoped the rocket would gain more altitude.
But atleast the rocket did launch, and we got some data, which we can process in our program. The data is not that good, because there is little diffrence, but there is a slight difference.

Between the first and the second test, we dident reset the ardunio, so the data is in one document.

For testing the "Rocket Calculator" we needed more data with diffrence in the outcome. To get this, we turned on the arduino and walked up the stairs to 4th floor, and back down.