Smart Lock(er)

In this project, I'll show you how to make a smart lock. You can later attach it to a more reliable mechanical lock or use it as it is. A while ago, I began working on a project called smart locker. Back then, it wasn't intended to be a fully functional smart lock, just a lock for the locker. But now I've finally decided to add an OLED display to it and update the code to make it more user-friendly. I've also decided to write an instructable for it. Anyway, the repository on GitHub is still called smart locker.
ESP8266 x1
SSD 1306 OLED Display x1
MG90S Servo x1
470 Ohm resistor x1
Flash ESP

You can find code here:
(In case you'll decide to download the whole repository, it's v1.4)
Don't forget to modify these two strings to match your credentials.
const char* ssid = "Mobile Hotspot 1290"; // Your SSID (Network's name)
const char* password = "seasidehills199"; // Password from your network
Assemble the Circuit

Look at the following schematic diagram and connect each element to ESP8266. Don't use a piece of the ruler as a deadbolt. I've only used it for demonstration purposes.
Power Up the Device

Wait 'till the Device Will Connect to Your Access Point

If It's taking so long, try to reboot ESP. If the device still can't connect to your network, check if the credentials are correct.
Enter the IP Address From the Display in Any Browser

That one shouldn't be hard. Just enter the IP address and press enter.
Press the Button

After the device had successfully connected to the access point, press the button to open the lock.
Enjoy the Result

Don't forget to press "I Made It!"