Smart Lamp - Control by Your Smartphone

by JoyJoyM in Workshop > Home Improvement

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Smart Lamp - Control by Your Smartphone


Our concept for this project is to make a smart lamp that can control by one's phone and change brightness base on lamp's outer structure.

Laser Cutter


This lamp's basic structure is made by circles and several wood pieces. Since our wood is 30cm x 45cm, we made our lamp 25cm in height and 20cm in width. The joint point depends on the thickness of the wood piece; in our case, it's 3mm. In addition, laser cutter will burn some parts of the wood when cutting, thus it's better to reduce the gap from exact size.

You can cut 15-18 or those pieces to match how bright you want the lamp be. The more wood you add the more dark it gets~


Electronic Part


We bought the basic model and materials first. Then wrote codes in Arduino program. There's also a corresponding app need to be download on the phone in order to operate.