Smart House Telegram Bot With Nodemcu (esp8266, Relay, Ds18b20)

by DaniilZ in Circuits > Remote Control

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Smart House Telegram Bot With Nodemcu (esp8266, Relay, Ds18b20)

nodemcu tg ds relay.jpg

In this tutorial i will show you how to create telegram bot and control house using it.

But firstly, subscribe my Telegram channel, and discover new projects faster then others. It's motivation for me.

Let's go!


tg node comp.jpg

You will need:


Untitled Sketch 2_bb.jpg

Connect all components like on scheme. DONT forget about 4.7kohm resistor for ds18b20.

Install Libraries

You may do it manually. Go to C/users/user/documents/arduino/libraries


Get Ds18b20 Adress


Upload sketch to nodemcu and run sketch. Open serial port and get sensor's adress

Create Telegram Bot

create bot.png

Contact with botfather.

Create new bot.

Take his token.

Programming Nodemcu


Connect nodemcu to PC.

Open sketch.

Edit ssid, password, bot token, ds18b20 adress.

Upload sketch to aduino.




Ccommands for bot:

  • 1on, 1off, 2on, 2off, 3on, 3off, 4on, 4off
  • temp

Contact Me

Join my telegram channel for more projects.

It's my motivation for biggest projects.

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