Smart Glasses(Under $10!!!)

by TechFreak_2003 in Circuits > Arduino

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Smart Glasses(Under $10!!!)


Hi There!

We all are familiar with Smart Glasses like the one named E.D.I.T.H. made by our beloved character Tony Stark which was later passed on to Peter Parker.

Today I am going to built one such smart glass that too under $10! They're not quite as subtle as the ones in film, they do have some impressive abilities.

So without wasting any time let's get started!


1) OLED Display($2.64)

2)HC-05 or HC-06 Bluetooth Module($2.84)

3)Power bank Module($0.39)

4)10K Preset($0.12)

5)Slide Switch($0.27)

6)Li-Po Battery 3.7V($1.35)

7)Arduino Pro Mini($2.71)/ Arduino Nano($2.92)


9)100 mm Focal Lens

10)Transparent Glass

Circuit Diagram and Connections


The above image shows all the connections for the Glasses...

  1. HC-05/06 -> VCC- 5V of Arduino

GND-GND of Arduino

TX- RX of Arduino

RX- TX of Arduino

2. OLED Display-> VCC-5V/3.3V of Arduino

GND-GND of Arduino

SDL- A4 of Arduino

SCL- A5 of Arduino

3.LiPo Battery-> +ve - Slide Switch & Slide Switch - +ve of Power bank Module

-ve - -ve of Power bank Module

4.Arduino -> Vin - 10k Preset

GND - -ve of Power Bank Module

5. Power Bank Module-> +ve - 10k Preset

Outer Cover


As per the measurements of the frame of your Glass, print the above given shapes for the cover from a 3D Printer or a shop nearby.

Program the Arduino & the App


If you are using an Arduino Nano, then skip this part... If you are a Pro Mini then use a 'CP2102 USB 2.0 to TTL UART Serial convertor Module' to upload the code to your board.

Link for the code and the app:-

Code and App Link



Now Arrangement all of your circuitries inside the cover and attach the Power Bank Module on the top cover. Make sure to have a hole for the USB Port that will be needed for charging the LiPo Battery.(as shown in the given image)

Lens and Glass


Take a mirror and cut it into your desired dimensions.

Buy a 100mm Focal Lens and a small rectangular transparent glass.

Arrange them as shown in the images above...

Attach With the Specs


Join the two parts together of the outer cover together and attach your specs as shown in the images...

Connecting With Your Phone


Download the app from the link given before...

Pair your HC-05/06 with your phone.

Open the app named 'Retro Watch'.

After opening the app:-

Go to Watch Control Section> Connect your bluetooth module with your device(Connected will be displayed as shown in the above image)> in watch clock style, Select Style to Simple Digital (or the style you prefer).


Mom display.jpeg

And you are done!

Enjoy your Smart Glasses!!!

Thanks for Reading!!!

See you guys in the next Instructable!

Till then Stay Home! Stay Safe!
