Smart Enery Meter (AC Current) on Proteus

by anandkirar24 in Circuits > Arduino

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Smart Enery Meter (AC Current) on Proteus

full circuit.jpg

Smart Energy Meter (AC Current)

This was a part of the minor project for my college.


1)Proteus 8 Professional

2)Arduino IDE

3)Arduino library for Proteus

4)EmonLib(Arduino library) energy monitoring library.

Components Required

Bring the following components to the simulator.

Components used:

1)LCD LM044L

2)Arduino UNO

3)ACS712ELCTR-05B-T(Current Sensor)


5) 5-Resistors

6) 2-Alternators

7) A Capacitor

Assemble the Components

Screenshot 2024-10-25 013847.jpg

Copy the circuit diagram and arrange the components accordingly.

In this project, we are working with AC mains voltage, which is typically 220V. These high voltage levels

are dangerous and far exceed the operating limits of the Arduino. Arduino boards are designed to

operate at low voltages, typically between 5V and 12V, and cannot directly handle high-voltage AC

signals. Therefore, it is crucial to step down the high AC voltage to a safe, low voltage before interfacing

it with the Arduino. This is achieved through a voltage transformer and voltage divider circuits:

The voltage transformer steps down the high-voltage AC signal to a much lower AC voltage. The

stepped-down voltage is then further conditioned using resistors and capacitors to bring it within the

safe operating range of the Arduino’s analog input pins.

Without this conversion, directly applying high voltage to the Arduino would result in severe damage to

the microcontroller and could potentially cause safety hazards. Additionally, Arduino’s analog inputs

are designed to measure low-voltage signals (in the 0-5V range), so proper voltage conversion ensures

that the system can safely read and process the voltage data for energy monitoring.

By stepping down the voltage, we ensure:

Safety for both the user and the components.

Accurate measurement of the voltage and current for calculating power consumption.

Calibration of Insrtruments


Change the properties of the transformer according to the image given(First Image)

Primary Inductance: 1H

Secondary Inductance: 1H

Coupling Factor: 0.059

Primary DC resistance: 1m

Secondary DC resistance: 1m

Similarly the properties of the Alternator for the transformer(second image)

Amplitude: 312V (Taken a little high just to check the step down transformers working can also use 220V)

Frequency: 50Hz

And the properties of the Alternator for the Current Sensor(third image)

Amplitude: 220V

Frequency: 50Hz

Upload the Sketch


// Smart Energy Meter Using Arduino

// Measures Voltage, Current, Power, and Energy using LCD display

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Library for LCD

#include "EmonLib.h" // Emon Library for voltage and current measurement

// LCD Pin Configuration

LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

// Voltage Sensor Configuration

EnergyMonitor emon1; // Create EmonLib instance

// Current Sensor (ACS712) Configuration

const int Sensor_Pin = A1; // Connect current sensor to A1 pin

const int sensitivity = 185; // Sensitivity for 20A ACS712 module

const int offsetVoltage = 2542; // Sensor offset voltage (mV)

// Variables for Calculations

unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // Store previous time for energy calculation

float totalEnergy = 0; // Accumulated energy in Wh

void setup() {

// Initialize EmonLib

emon1.voltage(A0, 187, 1.7); // Voltage input pin, calibration, phase shift

// Initialize LCD

lcd.begin(20, 4);

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print(" SMART ENERGY METER ");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print(" AC ENERGY MONITOR ");

delay(2000); // Allow some time for startup display


void loop() {

// Measure Voltage

emon1.calcVI(20, 2000); // Calculate Voltage and Current

int Voltage = emon1.Vrms;

// Measure Current

float maxPoint = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {

int temp = analogRead(Sensor_Pin);

if (temp > maxPoint) maxPoint = temp;


float ADCvalue = maxPoint;

double eVoltage = (ADCvalue / 1024.0) * 5000; // Convert ADC to mV

double Current = (eVoltage - offsetVoltage) / sensitivity;

double AC_Current = Current / sqrt(2);

// Calculate Power

int Power = Voltage * AC_Current;

// Calculate Energy

unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

unsigned long elapsedTime = currentMillis - previousMillis;

if (elapsedTime >= 1000) {

previousMillis = currentMillis;

totalEnergy += (Power * (elapsedTime / 1000.0)) / 3600; // Add to total energy in Wh


// Display Measurements on LCD

displayMeasurements(Voltage, AC_Current, Power, totalEnergy);



// Function to Display Measurements

void displayMeasurements(int Voltage, double AC_Current, int Power, float Energy) {

lcd.setCursor(0, 2);

lcd.print("V = ");


lcd.print("V ");

lcd.print("I = ");

lcd.print(AC_Current, 2);

lcd.print("A ");

lcd.setCursor(0, 3);

lcd.print("P = ");


lcd.print("W ");

lcd.print("E = ");

lcd.print(Energy, 1);

lcd.print("Wh ");


Uploading the File Location of the Code


Click on the highlighted Arduino part and put the location for the .hex file of the code.

Run the Simulation

full circuit.jpg

And the project is finished. Thank you. This project was inspired by

AC Energy Meter Using Arduino With Code and Circuit || Proteus Simulation

by The Bright Light. Significant modifications have been made to improve and adapt it.