Smart AC
Task Details:
The project must be at a close to completion stage so that the teaching case can provide a complete picture of the project. For this presentation, you must be able to demonstrate purpose of your project, show which devices and sensors you have used, and how they communicate/work together. You might need to show code snippets and walk through steps on how you have developed the project. The objective in this task is to let your fellow classmates know how you have designed, and delivered the requirements of the projects. They must be able to at least understand what procedures and steps you have followed, and be able to follow your steps with some effort to develop a similar project.\
Problem Statement:
To keep away from costly bills which are at last the aftereffect of one's senseless missteps, one can utilize this framework wherein an individual can be reminded at explicit time stretches to such an extent that his/her machine is on and they can turn it off on the off chance that it isn't being used. I have associated a movement identifier to such an extent that assuming it detects movement, AC will keep on (the LED will stay on in my circuit) yet when there is no movement recognized then the signal will sound to such an extent that one becomes more acquainted with that the AC is on in another room consequently saving the power bill.
Hardware Requirements:
- Raspberry pi
- Jumper wires
- Led(s)
- Argon
- Resistor(s)
- HC-SR04 sensor
- Buzzer/Led {Can be interchanged }
Software Requirements:
- ThingSpeak
- IFTTT services
- Blynk app
The above two photos describe the steps needed to make the prototype and another one is displaying the final architecture of model.
Setup Guide
1. At first, connect SR04 Ultrasonic sensor to the breadboard and use the jumper wires to do the following connections;
o VCC PIN – GPIO pin 2 (Connect with male to female jumper wire) o TRIG -- GPIO pin 18 (Connect with male to female jumper wire) o ECHO -- GPIO pin 24 (Connect with male to female jumper wire) o GND – negative terminal of breadboard (Connect with female to female jumper wire)
2. Now take a LED and connect it inside the breadboard such that its positive terminal is connected to Raspberry PI with pin 3 and the negative terminal to negative side of breadboard.
3. Now for connecting the buzzer, connect its negative terminal to the negative part of breadboard and the positive end to the pin 5 on Raspberry PI.
4. For starting Raspberry PI, simply connect it with the HDMI cable to the monitor/screen to display. Use the USB ports to connect mouse and keyboard.
5. Create a new file; enter code in it and save it with the .py extension
6. Finally, run the file.
Final Working Project
![Task 11.1](/proxy/?url= 11.1)
Here we got to see what final device looks like after making all the connections and working demonstration how it will work.
Here Is Code Followed for the Project
PCB and Schemantics