Skateboard Half Pipe

Like most proud owners of a pre-teenage boy, we suffered though the myriad of whims unique to his generation one day at a time. And, like most young men at his age, he considered himself invincible enough to conquer the self-annihilating sport (?) of skateboarding. Since we live on a farm [out in the briars] getting the boy to the city for some quality skate park time was darn near impossible. So, if you can't take the skateboard prophet to the mountain, you bring the mountain to him.
Here is a photo or two of a half-pipe that I built him; I built two identical ones, one at end of the basketball court you see there. (I also built him the rail he is sitting on, but it's far less photogenic than the half-pipe:). He hit these half-pipes for about 3 years before turning in his board for his next whim. The Protector-of-all-Things-Young-and-Foolish must have favored him for although he broke more than one board he never broke his spirit (or any bones for that matter!)
Here is a photo or two of a half-pipe that I built him; I built two identical ones, one at end of the basketball court you see there. (I also built him the rail he is sitting on, but it's far less photogenic than the half-pipe:). He hit these half-pipes for about 3 years before turning in his board for his next whim. The Protector-of-all-Things-Young-and-Foolish must have favored him for although he broke more than one board he never broke his spirit (or any bones for that matter!)