Sith Eternal Disruptor Droid

by Renegade_Films in Workshop > 3D Design

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Screenshot 2024-06-02 204919.png
ILM Droid Contest Concept Art.png
Adobe Scan May 12, 2024_Page_1.png
Sith Eternal Disruptor Droid Turnaround

While it's not visually perfect, it is a good start for something bigger. The center of this droid was visualized from a household item, and my imagination added features to make it menacing. My favorite feature is the EMP generator inside the base of the droid. The Star Wars universe has always been a big inspiration for me, especially all of the droids in every variety.

I started sketching multiple different droid designs, and ultimately stuck with the ceiling fan-look design. Then I sketched a concept template that I scanned and inked digitally. I modeled the droid in Maya using polygons, and textured the droid in Substance Painter, which was a challenge because I have never used it before. Implementing the textures back into Maya was also a challenge because the original file that contained the linked meshes was gone, but I was able to salvage it in Substance painter.

The droid is meant to hover around, either in space or on a planet's atmosphere. It charges an electromagnetic pulse hammer, which extends from the center-top part, then slams down creating an EMP field which can either stun enemies or disable electronics (ships, weapons, devices, etc.). It then fires blaster bolts to finish the job.

My vision is that it would be approximately the same size as a Viper Probe Droid.