Simulation of Arduino UNO With Voice Commands Via Bluetooth in Proteus
by Pratigya1604 in Circuits > Arduino
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Simulation of Arduino UNO With Voice Commands Via Bluetooth in Proteus
Simulation is a very powerful tool to understand how the device will work .Before starting any project, it is a good practice to simulate it and virtually verify that works. Proteus is a simulation software. By using this software, Arduino and Bluetooth module can be simulated to virtually test the working.
Download Links and Library Extraction

1) Arduino IDE
2) Proteus Software
3) Arduino library for Proteus
4) Bluetooth library for Proteus
Adding the Components for the Circuit
1) Arduino UNO
2) Bluetooth HC-05 Module
3) Relay
4) NPN Transistor (500mW , 200C)
5) Diode (1A, 1000V, 3.00us)
6) Resistor
7) An AC Voltage Source
8) Lamp ( LEDs can also be added)
9) DC Motor (Model for Fan)
The Circuit Designing (Part 1)
The connections are quite easy , Connect the Arduino UNO with Bluetooth module as shown in the above image.
Connect the transmitter pin of Arduino with the receiver pin of HC 05.
Simultaneously make another connection vice versa.
BT HC-05:
Vcc - 5V
Connect the Resistor(1K) with the pin number '5' of Arduino.
Attach a Transistor with the Resistor and ground them with the respective terminal.
Connect the relay to the other end of the transistor.
Add a diode in parallel with the coil
Pin a lamp and make connection with one end on the Relay (Open pin) and the other end to an 'AC Source'.
Circuit Designing (Part 2)
Repeat the same connection with the DC Motor also , The lamp is with the voltage count 230V and the AC source with amplitude '230V' and frequency as '50Hz'.
As many as appliances can be added to the Circuit but everything must be connected with the relay module.
Place generator (DC). Finally, Power up the Relay module with the 12V supply.
Writing the Code on Arduino IDE
After the connections are done , start to code on Arduino IDE
In the setup , initialize the serial communication with the baud rate '9600'
Mode of pin numbers 5 and 6 are to be set as output.
In the loop function, read the data from the serial transmission , if there is data that is available then make it print that on the serial monitor.
Voice command for the automation should be "turn on light" , then state of the pin 6 is set as high and vice versa.
(The DC Motor is described as Fan in the command)
In the end the voice variable is emptied.
Finally compile your code and remove syntax errors if there are any. Copy the file location and paste the location on Arduino Board on proteus.
Testing - Android Application and Configure Bluetooth

Develop it with an online application and test it with the mobile phone. Give voice commands and ensure if its working properly and cordially with the Online Application. This simulation is only with lamp and motor(fan), we can connect as many appliances and modules as we want , just ensure the wirings and mandatory readings. Don't forget to modify the 'COM' port.
The same circuit can be implemented on the hardware also to control the appliances with voice commands.
Hope you all got it right and had fun doing it ! To have more fun test the program with real life appliances.
Thank you !!