Simulation Study of a Bar Having Circular Cross Section Under Compressive Force
by ankitthakur1998 in Craft > Digital Graphics
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Simulation Study of a Bar Having Circular Cross Section Under Compressive Force

In this project i have used fusion 360 of auto desk.
I have made a bar having circular cross section.
Then I have applied a compressive force on it.
I have used model and simulation work space of fusion 360.
I have analysed the body for stress produced, strain produced, reaction force produced,
safety factor, and displacement.
I have used steel as a material for bar.

In this step I am in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have drawn a circle on the top plane.

In this step I am in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have extruded the circle drawn in previous step.
Stress Analysis

In this step I am in the simulation work space of fusion 360.
Then I have fixed one end of the steel bar.
Then I have applied a compressive force of 500 N on the opposite face of
steel bar.
Then I have analysed the bar for stress produced.
The red color shows maximum value of stress.
The blue color shows minimum value of stress.
We can observe that the minimum value of stress is on the fixed side of the bar, but
around the longitudinal axis of bar.
The maximum value of stress is .06445 M Pa.
The minimum value of stress is .03021 M Pa.
Displacement Analysis

In this step I am in the simulation work space of fusion 360.
Then I have analysed the bar for the displacement produced.
The red color shows maximum displacement.
The blue color shows minimum displacement.
The maximum value of displacement is 8.753 E -05.
The minimum value of displacement is 0 mm.
We can see that minimum value of displacement is around fixed end.
We can also observe that maximum value of displacement is around free end.
Reaction Force Analysis

In this step I am in the model work space of fusion 360.
Then I have analysed the steel bar for the reaction force produced.
The red color shows the maximum value of reaction force .
The blue color shows the minimum value of reaction force.
We can observe that maximum reaction force is around the fixed end.
The value of maximum reaction force is 14.87 N .
The value of minimum reaction force is 0 N.
Strain Analysis

In this step I am in the simulation work space of fusion 360.
Then I have analysed the bar for the strain produced.
The red color shows maximum value of strain.
The blue color shows minimum value of strain.
The value of maximum strain is 4.123 E -07.
The value of minimum strain is 1.537 E -07.
Strain has no units because it is the ratio of two similar quantities.
Safety Factor

In this step i am in the simulation work space of fusion 360.
In this step I have provided the safety factor involved in this case.
The maximum value of safety factor is 15.
The minimum value of safety factor is 15.
Factor of safety is the ratio of maximum load and safe load.