Sims Dead Cell Candle Runs on a "Dead" D Cell Battery for Over a Month. DIY LED Light Project.

by luxstar in Circuits > LEDs

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Sims Dead Cell Candle Runs on a "Dead" D Cell Battery for Over a Month. DIY LED Light Project.

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Let's make a LED light that will run non stop on a "dead" D cell battery for over a month*. Where can I get "dead" D cell batteries that will still run a LED light, you may ask? I get mine from the from the touchless towel machines at work when they will no longer make the motor turn. The motor in a paper towel machine runs on about 500 milliamps. The "dead" batteries will easily run circuits using 5 - 20 milliamps for great lengths of time.

*Your results may vary based on the towel machine and batteries used as well as the lawn light used. 7 to 8 weeks is typical with the lawn lights used in this instructable.



For this project, you will need a "dead" or new D cell battery, a solar lawn light ($0.98 for the one in the picture), and a D cell battery holder. You will also need: soldering iron, solder, hot glue gun, needle nose pliers.

Disassemble the Solar Lawn Light


The clear round window twists off. The black enclosure is held together with two screws. Remove the screws. The battery contacts can be removed by pulling with needle nose pliers. Cut the wires that are attached to the back of the solar cell.

Add Glue to the Wires on the Circuit Board.

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Add glue to the wires on the circuit board. This acts as a strain relief to keep the wires attached to the board. If you don't have a hot glue gun, try some Elmer's white glue.

Optional: Test the Circuit With Your "dead" Battery.


Optional: If the wires are long enough you can connect the circuit directly to the battery for testing.

Solder the Circuit to the Battery Holder and Add Glue to Insulate.


Solder the circuit to the battery holder. The black wires connect together (negative to negative). The white and red wires connect together. Your colors may vary depending on the solar lawn light you use.

The video:

Applications for Your Sims Dead Cell Candle: Decorative Light in Box

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I drilled a hole in the lid large enough to insert the LED. I left the wires longer on this circuit so I could attach the circuit board to the inside of the lid. The circuit board is glued into place.

The Sims dead cell candle may be an ideal light source for:

Classroom science and art projects.

Night light * Replacement for tap lights * Costumes * Emergency / disaster lighting * Attic, basement, garage, patio, shed, bunker * Homeless * RV / boating * Backpacking * Office / cubical * Toys * Store / point of sale displays * Doll house * Dog house * Bird feeder * Gifts * Pet cage * Cave * Illuminated message in a bottle (jar) * Light up shadow box

and more

Illuminated Terrarium


The LED was upgraded to a Piranha LED. I glued the battery holder to the inside of the lid. The jar can be used to display anything that will fit.

Sims Dead Cell Candle. Give Away Version

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In an effort to keep the cost as low as possible, the battery holder is not used. Instead, the battery contacts are held in place with a 1-1/4" wide piece of bicycle inner tube. I added some heat set cord along side the wires (hot glued at the ends an middle) to act as a strain relief. The finished cost is about $1.20.

The innertube is long enough for making over 50 lights.

This will work well for disaster relief and homeless.



New photos added from time to time.

More Testing


Comparing different LEDs. You can upgrade or replace the LED that the solar lawn light comes with for different optical characteristics.

More Testing: Will the Circuit Run a Laser Diode?


Yes it will. This would be ideal as a cat toy. Cats love to chase laser dots. If you add a push button switch, the "dead" battery may out live the cat.

More Testing: Color Changing LEDs, Fairy Lights

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So far I have had one color change LED that would not work (stuck on one color) and this one that does work. I have had no problems with fairy lights except they are not as bright when run by this circuit.

Two Circuit Boards. Same Price


The walmart solar lawn lights currently being shipped have different circuit boards. See the UPC for the one of your choice. They both work. I am planning to test both by running them on a new AA battery, This will show which one runs longer. Also, I should be able to extrapolate what the run time would be for a new D cell by multiplying the run time by 8.