Simple Wood Shelf

by JesusA107 in Workshop > Shelves

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Simple Wood Shelf

Well, as you can see it's not to big but this isn't meant to be an all around shelf. This is meant for those special trinkets that mean the world to you. You can also place plants upon it to add more life into your house.


Today I will use only simple tools that tend to be found simply at home. First we start with the tape measure and move on to a marker. Then we got a hand saw, but not those mechanical ones because this one is used with your bear hands. Then we move on to a common drill and finally end with the nails that will need to be used to hold up the finished product.

Getting Started

When building or crafting we all know it's important to "plan the cut". I precisely checked several times for my project in order for it to come out the best it could be. A lot of work goes into making anything... doesn't matter if it's an easy project or hard. I used a tape measure and then a marker to precisely pinpoint exactly where I would like to cut.

Making the Cut

I had made my pin points and had moved on to cutting the pieces. This is the longest part of the job for me because I want to make sure it all looked good. I will now cut all the necessary pieces individually.


Sanding is an important part in making some types of work. Sometimes you will need it and other times it's perfectly fine the way you leave it. I will now go sand down my pieces of wood with a grit of 100.

The Finale

Now that that's all out of the way we can now begin the actual build. I started with the bottom parts first and then moved onto the bigger pieces last. I suggest to do this but different people are accustomed to their own different way. All you have to do is be comfortable with what your doing because anything can go wrong at any moment. Now I did accidentally put to much pressure on but I quickly got a piece of strong tape and fixed it.